The Isolated Daughter

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As I sat in the chair to think about my next move, my eyes were caught on the empty, cold feeling of the room around me. There wasn't a hint of warmth from anyone that ever stayed here. It's almost as if Emris didn't live at all.

Her mind, which was focused on the room and her book, switched her attention back to the book's contents.

"There's a lot of pictures and descriptions inside the book. I don't know where to start reading. Huh...?" Emris stumbled upon the table of contents she'd missed because she swiftly flipped through the pages. Relief, opened up her lungs and made it easier to breath since she knew her studies would go much more smoother with this.

"First things first, I need to set up an investigation of the people of the empire. Anyone suspicious will be rendered a suspect. Hmm...I should make a bulletin board to organize my thoughts. Okay, okay, let's study the book first for my suspects!" Those round eyes ignited a flickering fire of determination, refusing to be extinguished.

I won't let Emris down and I promise that I'll protect her life. She thought with her fists clenched and held up in a motivated position.

'Knock, Knock,' a faint tapping occurred at the door. "My Lady, it's time to get up." In the softest tone, a maid called out from behind the door to Emris. The skin on her body jumped with the soft knock and panicked throwing the book back on the desk. Uh oh! I need to hide the book quickly!

"Please give me a moment."

While she scoured for the perfect hiding spot, the maid felt a strange change in how Emris spoke to her. My Lady....maybe it's just my disillusion, but for a brief moment, it sounded as if the tenderhearted tone in your voice had returned.

Pursing her lips, the maid gripped at her uniform with a facial expression that can only be read as worry and melancholy. Resonating deep in the spaces of her heart was heartache that pierced her and left her full of anguish.

"Come in."

Upon entering, the maid bowed her head to Emris and kept a proper demeanor. "Good morning, My Lady. I shall prepare a warm bath for you." When she came up, her eyes caught a glance of a warm, angelic smile full of life.

"Thank you."

Her eyes looked at me with pity. Did something happen to Emris for her to stare at me like that? It stings my heart like the tip of a blade on the skin. An agonizing guilt began to grow, throwing her into a gnawing and merciless state. Her moral compass which reminded her of her values lodged itself in her soul repeating the same dreadful thoughts like a broken record.

A break in the tears the maid had been holding back spilled out like a faucet. Clear and crystal-like tears reflecting the sunlight streamed down her cheeks.

"Oh...Uh, Excuse me. Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Emris sweated and hesitantly reached out her hand to stop her overflowing shed of tears.

This tone...I thought I'd never hear the sweet song of her voice again. She'd felt as if she was small and helpless when it came to Emris, but to hear and see this change felt nothing short of a miracle.

"I-I'm sorry, My Lady. I d-don't mean to show such a pa-pathetic display in your presence." Struggling to breathe, she sucked up her breath in between the spaces she shouldn't, almost like having hiccups but reverse.

Such a sight gave Emris' a reason to give in to the softness of her soul. Not a moment to waste, Emris embraced the crying maid and patted her back for her to take a deep breath.

Now, I'm sure this maid loved and cared for Emris. They were probably close companions if she's crying like this over a simple smile. What exactly happened to Emris to make her react this way?

The guilty conscience that took root began to fester making her eyes tighten and her lips press together as she gripped onto the maid's clothing.

The maid rested her chin on Emris' shoulder while the dam of tears continued to burst. Such a sudden turn for Emris made her heart falter since, all these years, she'd only seen the lifeless side of the person she served wholeheartedly as her personal maid. Knowing that it was forbidden for a mere maid to touch her master, she wanted to pull away, but Emris spoke again with the warmth that shook up her being.

"It's okay, you can cry all you want. It's not distasteful to me but heartwarming since it's a sign of your consideration for me."

She felt a tingle in her ear that spread throughout her body and weakened her resolve. Finally, she gave in and hugged Emris, laying her head on Emris' shoulder. "Ella, my name is Ella, in case you've forgotten my lady." Realizing what she'd just said, Ella pulled away and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry, my lady; please punish me for my impudence."

"Ella...what a pretty name! I'll be sure to never forget it from now on by engraving it into memory."

For the first time in five years, Emris called her name again instead of waving her hand to call for her. It was a day Ella always wanted to remember because Emris was finally vivacious. "Ah, my lady, I shall now go prepare the bath and assist you in getting ready for the Duke's arrival." Emris nodded, and Ella headed for the bathroom.

Once the door closed behind her, Emris stepped to her desk and sat down, slamming her head down on the wooden desk.

"The Duke's coming!? Emris' father!?" She clawed her nails into her dress while her stomach stirred a grueling storm. "He'll be angry, won't he? If one action of mine is out of place, he'll beat me for not being his daughter, right?"

The darkness in her eyes consumed the light like a black hole sucking up the things around it.

A tap on the shoulder sent shivers down her spine and made her body run cold. "My lady, are you alright?"

A shift of her expression came hastily. Emris turned her body toward her and held her hands behind her back to hide the trembling. Again, with a shimmering smile, she disguised what she felt.

"Yes, I'm fine. Is the bath ready now?" Questions popped up in the maid's mind, but they were all questions she had no right to ask, so she labeled it all a moment of weakness for Emris and brushed passed it.

"...Yes, the bath is ready for you, my Lady. I prepared a lovely floral scent imported from the Carian Empire."

Emris headed for the bathroom with Ella and got ready for her father, the Duke's timely return. After bathing and dressing, Ella brushed the cotton smooth hair of Emris. There was an awkward silence between them that only Ella could notice as she was present at the moment. In the mirror, she saw the reflection of Emris, who stared blankly at the floor and fidgeted with her fingers.

"My lady—"

"My Lady, the Duke is due to arrive." Her attempt to break the ice was interrupted by the butler, who was known for being the Duke's aide.

"I shall take my leave now, my lady." Ella left, and behind her followed Emris. It was mind-scrambling that Emris came down; not only Ella but the rest of the servants stared bewildered. Running on a motor, Emris moved with a dazed expression.

"Welcome Home, Your Grace." The butler bowed his head to him as the Duke stepped off his horse with the other knights.

"There's no need for you to welcome me home; I'm in dire need of rest, so send all the servants back to their respective posts." A subtle rasp underlying each uttered word signaled the weariness he didn't try to hide.

"Yes, Your Grace."

The Duke grumbled and rubbed the spot of both the inner corners of his eyes. He stomped toward the house, but the same questions he asked daily came up.

"How is my daughter? Is she doing well? Has she eaten?" The butler was going to answer until a light descended upon them.

"Hello, Father. Welcome home." In the light, Emris stood under, the golden rays bounced off her sparkling eyes and radiating smile.

A popping sound unheard of to the people around him signified the bursting of the Duke's heart when he witnessed the vision he'd been waiting for.


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