Chapter 3: The first trial

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A few weeks ago in Heaven

Ariel's pov:


After a century-long absence, I found myself once again under the vaults of Heaven's gleaming spires. The call to attend the celestial court, brought forth by none other than Gabe, the messenger of the all-Father himself, filled my spirit with a sense of foreboding.

As the echoes of clicking heels reverberated through the gleaming halls, I turned to greet an old friend, Rhea, a soldier in God's divine army. Her presence offered a momentary respite from the gravity of my summons, but the weight of duty lingered heavily on my mind.

My father had often sent me tons of invitation letters, carrying a message of paternal disappointment that cut me to the core. Besides, being around family members made Heaven suffocating.

Standing at the balcony, a significant height away from the ground, I try to get my mind off my coming fate.


So many angels.

The wings of angels beat in a rhythmic flurry, a chorus of white-feathered visitors flocking to and from the opulent Fletizern's Mansion. A sanctuary for the nobles, it stood in stark contrast to the bustling life of the Heavenly Palace.

Like a shadow seeking refuge from the sun, I had retreated to the secluded realm of the Fletizern's, eager to avoid the prying eyes and judging whispers of royal angels.

Rhea stops beside me and leans onto the golden railing.

"Magnificent is it not. I bet you don't see this kind of scenery at Belligard or Detroi." she chuckles.

"That's the reason I'm here. Fletizern's meadow as the most breathtaking view." I continue staring at the masses.

Today was a jolly day for everyone except me. Lower rank angels flew around carrying out tasks in and out the mansion, adults were taking a stroll outside in the open space, some children playing hide and seek, others feeding domestic animals in the garden.

Everyone here is happy and I feel like a goat in the midst of sheep.

No matter where in Heaven I always feel like an outsider.

"Arielle sent some clothes from the Palace. She really wants you to visit the royal castle for dinner this evening" she said in her usual soft tone.

I finally gazed at her, no expression drawn on my face.

Rhea's changed a lot since I last saw her in Oselis (The only planet in the first universe where all Archangels and their armies gather every century).

She always had the most beautiful pair of wing in the group which drew the attention of males and her long pink hair cascading down her thighs made her look childish, but now she looks all grown with her short hair and two pairs of wings (Another wing grew out since our last meeting).

"You can ask the servants to return them. I'm not visiting anyone while I'm here Rhea"

"You should at least visit your sister. She's been anticipating your arrival for so long. It would hurt her deeply if you don't make effort to see her.." she pauses. "Today might be the only day you have left to meet her. You are going to leave for Northmiddlestern tomorrow and there you will stay till the end of your trial"

I take a moment to respond.


"Why what?"

"Why not criticize me?"

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