Chapter 2: History

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You brought Penny to your garage and showed her to Kohaku and your mom, Velvet.

Kohaku: "Wow! Penny Polendina? Like from the stories? She's alive?"

Velvet: "And it seems she's in proper condition."

Penny: "Salutations ma'am, but what stories are you talking about? And where is Atlas? Where did this massive city come from?"

"Penny..." you said, putting your hand on her shoulder, "I don't know what exactly happened to you, but... It's been 300 years since you were last online."

Penny: "What? What do you mean?"

Velvet: "He means exactly what he's saying. Come take a seat."

Penny went over to the seat on the high-tech chair that Velvet pointed towards and sat down. Velvet grabbed a cable and plugs it into Penny's bow, then she played a video detailing the history of Remnant.

It shows that the Flood was a mass of Grimm that humanity fought 300 years ago. Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and all their allies fought against the Grimm's master master, an immortal woman called Salem. Ruby Rose managed to defeat her and helped destroy most of the Grimm. In the decades that followed, humanity made rapid advancements in technology. The kingdoms were replaced by new nations that sought to unite everyone and respect their differences. Atlas was destroyed during the war and was replaced with Harmony. It also shows that Penny died during the destruction of Atlas.

Velvet unplugged the cable and Penny is clearly in shock of everything she just learned.

Penny: "I died back then. Everyone else died as they got older, but I'm still here, and I remember that I was supposed to protect Atlas. How am I here?"

Velvet: "I don't know, but I'm going to take a look in the base I found you in. You know, once as soon as the Hunters are available."

"Penny, if it makes you feel better, your friends and family did get the happy ending they fought so hard for," you said.

Penny: "I... I guess that does make me feel better. I guess, there's just so much I now wish I could have done to be with them."

Kohaku: "The past has already happened. At least we still have the future ahead of us. Why don't me and Y/N show you around Harmony? It's got places you'll be amazed at."

Penny: "Sure. Should we fly or..."

"Let's just walk there. I still need to work out things for my gear, and you should avoid using your jets until they are repaired."

Penny: "Okay. Show me around."

You and Kohaku walk with Penny along the sidewalk as you all saw the sight of Harmony in the night.

Machine with a Heart (Penny Polendina x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now