Chapter Six: An Invitation

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Saoirse woke up in the small hotel room, her mind still swirling with thoughts of the previous night. The innkeeper nearly hadn't let her back in until Saoirse frantically pulled out coins and dropped them on the counter.

"Where did you get this?" the innkeeper had asked, eyebrows raised.

"I played music in town," Saoirse had responded tersely.

The innkeeper had let out a grunt in response, and seemed ready to reject her once again when Saoirse quickly squeaked out, "Elaine sent me back."

The mention of Elaine's name had immediately softened the innkeeper's demeanor. She took the coins and led Saoirse to her room without further hesitation.

She had been so exhausted the night before that she had simply collapsed into bed without bothering to bathe. Now, feeling more refreshed, she couldn't ignore the grime on her skin. Slowly, she rose from the bed and made her way toward the bath. As the water began to fill the tub, steam billowing around her, she peeled off her clothes. "Definitely need new clothes," she muttered aloud, eyeing the dirty pile now on the floor.

She eased herself into the bath, wincing at the heat of the water. Slowly, she submerged herself until only her nose remained above the surface. She lingered there for a moment, enjoying the sensation of warmth enveloping her tired muscles, before reaching for the soap. As she began to lather up, she noticed the water turning murky, and a grimace crossed her face. "Looks like I'll need a second bath to get rid of all this shit," she muttered to herself. She drained the tub and started the water again, ensuring it was at just the right temperature.

As it filled, she ambled over to the mirror to assess her progress. Saoirse peered into the mirror, scrutinizing her reflection. She ran her fingers through her damp hair, wincing as knots tugged at her scalp. As she tilted her head to the side, her eyes widened in shock.

Pointed ears.

She blinked, certain she was seeing things. But as she reached up and touched one of her ears, feeling the tapered tip, her heart began to race. Panic surged within her, and she stumbled back, knocking over a bottle of lotion on the bathroom counter.

"No, no, no," she muttered to herself, shaking her head in disbelief. "This can't be happening."

But there was no denying it. Her ears were unmistakably pointed. "What the HELL," she whispered as she sank onto the edge of the bathtub, her mind spinning. She blinked several times and walked back over to the mirror, squinting as if that would remove the clear change in the shape of her ears. It didn't. With wide eyes, she retreated to the bath, sinking into the warm water once more. Absentmindedly, she resumed scrubbing her body, oblivious to the water gradually darkening around her once again.


Saoirse placed her guitar case on the familiar corner. It was midday, and after finishing a modest meal, Saoirse had managed to purchase the cheapest leggings and shirt she could find, depleting the last of her meager funds. She knew she had to start playing again to earn enough for another night at the inn. As the afternoon sun beat down on the crowded streets of Velaris, Saoirse sat on the corner, her fingers moving mechanically across the strings of her guitar.

Fatigue weighed heavily on her limbs, and confusion clouded her thoughts as she played, the music a mere background noise to the cacophony of her mind. With each chord she strummed, Saoirse's heart felt heavier, the melodies echoing her weariness and uncertainty. The once captivating tunes now sounded hollow and distant, lost in the midst of her exhaustion.

Her fingers moved on autopilot, the notes flowing without purpose or passion, a stark contrast to the soulful melodies she had played the night before. Despite her best efforts to focus, Saoirse found herself drifting in and out of awareness, her mind foggy and disjointed. The crowd that had gathered around her seemed to blur together into a sea of faces, their voices melding into a dull hum in the background.

A sharp, "Saoirse," pierced through her haze of thoughts, drawing her attention upward. Saoirse's lips curled into a small smile at the sight of Elaine.

"Elaine! Hello!" she greeted warmly.

Elaine returned the smile, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Well, you're looking much better than last night!" she remarked.

Saoirse chuckled softly. "Not that high of a bar to meet. Thank you again, for the coins."

Elaine waved off the gratitude with a casual gesture. "No problem at all. I was really just helping myself, you know. I didn't know how much longer I could handle that smell."

Saoirse laughed and looked back down at her guitar. When she looked up, she noticed another woman standing beside Elaine.

"Oh!" Elaine exclaimed, as if just remembering. "This is my sister, Feyre! I told her about meeting you yesterday, and she wanted to come see the talented musician for herself."

Saoirse stood up, offering Feyre a friendly wave. "Saoirse," she introduced herself with a small gesture.

"Saoirse," Feyre repeated, offering a warm smile in return. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Elaine has been raving about your music."

Saoirse's cheeks flushed with a mix of surprise and pleasure. "Thank you," she said sincerely. "It's nice to meet you too, Feyre."

Feyre's gaze drifted to the guitar case beside Saoirse. "Are you planning to play some more?" she asked, curiosity evident in her tone.
Saoirse nodded, a hint of weariness evident in her features. "Yeah, I need to... I play music for a living," she explained, her words slightly faltering.

Elaine glanced at Feyre, silently urging her to continue.

Feyre smiled and said, "We don't often have visitors here in Velaris, so we wanted to invite you to dinner. It'll just be us and a couple of our friends."

Saoirse glanced at Elaine, uncertainty was palpable as she shifted on her feet, weighing Feyre's invitation. "I don't know," she began hesitantly, her gaze flickering between Elaine and Feyre. "I appreciate the offer, really, but I'm not really able to take the time away from"

Elaine's expression softened with understanding, but Feyre's eyes held a glimmer of encouragement. "We'll make it worth your while," she urged gently, stepping closer. "It'll be fun, I promise. Besides, we'd love to get to know you better."

Saoirse wavered, torn between her reservations and the warmth of their invitation. After a moment's hesitation, she nodded slowly, a tentative smile playing on her lips. "Alright, I'll come," she agreed. "But just for a little while."

Feyre's smile widened with satisfaction, her gaze warm and welcoming. "That's all we ask," she replied, her tone gentle.

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