Chapter Four: Velaris

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Saoirse's eyes fluttered open, the dim light filtering through the canopy above casting a soft glow over her surroundings. For a moment, she lay still, the events of the previous night swirling in her mind like fragments of a dream. But as she sat up and took in her surroundings—the towering trees, the rustling leaves, the gentle chirping of birds—reality came crashing down upon her with a force that took her breath away.

This was not a dream. This – whatever this was – was real.

Panic surged within her as she scrambled to her feet, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked around, taking in the unfamiliar landscape with wide eyes. With trembling hands, Saoirse reached for her guitar, the familiar weight of the instrument grounding her in the midst of her turmoil. She took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she forced herself to accept the truth of her situation. Mia had dropped her in the middle of a forest. Alone.

Gathering her courage, Saoirse set off once again through the dense undergrowth, her senses alert to every sound and movement around her. With each step, her calves screamed in protest, sweat clinging uncomfortably to her skin. She didn't know how much longer she could continue.

At last, the trees began to thin, and Saoirse emerged into a clearing bathed in golden sunlight. Before her stretched the most breathtaking city of she had ever seen, its spires reaching towards the sky like fingers of light. Saoirse's breath caught in her throat at the sight, her eyes widening in wonder and awe. She reached for her phone, hoping for a glimmer of signal now that she was in a city.

"OUCH!" Saoirse exclaimed as someone collided into her. Her phone slipped from her grasp, clattering to the ground. She quickly retrieved it, examining the screen for any signs of damage. "Seriously?!"

"Sorry," a voice responded, quickly retreating.

Saoirse's eyes followed the person quickly walking away from her. "Did he just... sniff me? Do I smell that bad?" Saoirse lifted her shirt to her nose to inspect. Her nose wrinkled, nearly gagging at the scent. "Okay, that's fair..." she muttered to herself. She glanced back at her phone. "Still no connection... Where on earth am I?"

As she looked back up, Saoirse quickly realized she stood out like a sore thumb amidst the bustling streets. People passed her by, their eyes lingering on her with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. Saoirse shifted uncomfortably under their gaze, feeling self-consciousness settle over her like a heavy cloak.

The city's inhabitants were clad in odd clothing, unlike anything she had ever seen before. Intricate designs and vibrant colors adorned their attire, defying explanation. Saoirse couldn't help but wonder if there was some sort of special event or festival happening in town, maybe a themed convention.

"Of course Mia would drop me in the middle of nerd-dome," Saoirse whispered under her breath.

Thirst gnawed at Saoirse's throat. Her gaze scanned the signs along the street, searching for any indication of a place to get some water. Within a few minutes, she stumbled upon a bar, its interior dimly lit and sparsely populated at this early evening hour. Summoning her last reserves of energy, she pushed open the hefty door and stepped inside, relief washing over her as the cool air enveloped her skin.

As Saoirse stepped into the bar, a hush fell over the room, and all eyes turned to her, their gazes like tangible weights pressing down on her shoulders. Uncomfortable under the scrutiny, she quickened her pace, hoping to reach the relative safety of the bar without drawing any more attention to herself. The patrons whispered amongst themselves, their voices barely audible over the soft murmur of the bar's ambiance.

Approaching the bartender, Saoirse mustered all the courage she could, though she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that prickled at the back of her neck.

"Water, please," she requested, her voice trembling slightly with nerves.

The bartender regarded her with a keen eye, his scrutiny making her feel exposed and vulnerable. "Where are you from?" he inquired, his tone sharp and direct.

"Tennessee," Saoirse replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the rising tide of anxiety that threatened to engulf her.

The bartender's brow furrowed in confusion, and a skeptical look crossed his face. "Never heard of it," he declared flatly, his disbelief evident.

Saoirse's heart sank, a knot of frustration tightening in her chest. "You know? The state in the United States," she explained, hoping to clear up any misunderstandings. "Nashville, Tennessee?"

But the bartender's expression remained unchanged, his skepticism unwavering. "Never heard of it," he repeated dismissively, as if her words meant nothing to him.

Baffled and increasingly unnerved, Saoirse struggled to comprehend the situation. "Then where am I?" she asked, her voice tinged with desperation.

"Velaris," the bartender replied matter-of-factly, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Saoirse's mind tried to make sense of the unfamiliar name. "And which country is that in?" she pressed, her confusion mounting with each passing moment.

The bartender chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound that reverberated through the air. "Very funny," he said, his amusement palpable. "Velaris is Velaris. We're part of the night court."

Saoirse felt a sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach, a cold dread settling over her like a shroud. Nothing about this made sense. She was lost in a strange city, surrounded by people who seemed to speak a different language, both literally and figuratively. With a shaky breath, she turned her attention back to the bartender. It was then that she realized he was one of the most physically imposing men she had ever seen. His broad shoulders and chiseled features spoke of strength and vitality, a stark contrast to the rugged charm of the bartender. As she quickly scanned the bar, she couldn't help but notice that every person in the establishment seemed to possess an otherworldly beauty and vitality.

"Where the hell am I," Saoirse muttered under her breath, her voice tinged with a mixture of awe and disbelief. "Mia, where are you?" she whispered, a sense of longing tugging at her heartstrings as she searched the faces in the crowd for any sign of her mysterious companion. But amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, Mia was nowhere to be found.

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