Coheeh takes his kids to the park

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Coheeh was a single parent. No, his wife didn't leave him, he never had a wife to begin with. He made his kids. He produced them by budding like the rest of the dads, mums, and unassorted parents in his neighborhood. Gender is even more of a construct in this world than it is in ours. He wanted a partner though, it was hard taking care of 2 teens and a toddler.

Like any other day, the kids were begging to go to the park, so he took them. He walked them out of the house and out to the surface world. They walked past, or rather over several much better houses. You couldn't see it from their perspective, but these houses had much more room and they had heating.

Coheeh and his family hopped over several people on their way to the park. Little CJ had to ride on top of his sister Coquo's head, because bouncing forward on people was too hard for a tot like him.

They finally made it to the park, which was basically just an assortment of climbing walls and teeter-totters. Oh come on, it's so the people of this world can get to work and stuff more easily. Even then they still have to hop through an obstacle course in order to get to wherever they're going. I bet you feel more grateful for your life already.

 Coheeh hopped through this aforementioned obstacle course, in order to get to the store next to, or rather behind the park

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Coheeh hopped through this aforementioned obstacle course, in order to get to the store next to, or rather behind the park. He went in to find the counter worker working behind the counter as usual. He asked for a toy that he could get his son, and the worker reluctantly complied. The worker handed over a 2D version of 1 of those pop-it tubes you might find in a dollar store, and Coheeh ran out of the store with it, giggling.

Climbing over all of the climbing walls and jumping across all of the platforms on the various teeter-totters, Coheeh made his way towards CJ. He bounced on Coquo and Collavo's heads towards the teeter-totter CJ was using and landed on the platform right of the platform he was on. The platform CJ was on went up which caused him to shoot up a couple of inches off the ground, but not high enough to cause concern from his father, especially when he was so excited. Coheeh tossed the toy from his right hand over his head to his left hand and handed it to CJ. "Here ya' go, son! The clerk gave it to me for free, can't you believe it?", Coheeh said while sounding slightly tired from the whole obstacle course ordeal. "Thankssshh, dada!", CJ said, cooing with admiration in his little baby voice.

The family had fun playing at the park for the rest of the day.

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