Olivia knows full well that this is wrong.

It's forbidden.

He is her teacher. But she can't help but wonder if he, too, feels the same way. She's no fool, and the brunette has noticed the way his green pupils travel down her bare legs to the bottom of her skirt. She shivers just thinking about it.

She clears her thoughts and joins the flow of students in front of the classroom door. As they enter the room, Olivia hears Professor Lupin's husky voice in the distance. Her senses are suddenly all alert.

"Evening everyone," he says, smiling shyly. "As you sit down, please put your essay due today on the Bombarda Maxima charm on my desk, please."


Olivia completely forgot about the essay due. In fact, she doesn't even remember hearing or writing this assignment in her notebook.


Normally, Roger reminds her of this kind of thing. But this year, she has almost no classes with him. Pursing her lips, she decides to go through the last row to sit at the back and be as discreet as possible, hoping that Lupin would almost forget her presence, something she tries to do in almost every class actually.

Olivia thinks it's better not to take out her book this time and takes out a sheet of paper instead. The two hours pass extremely slowly. As soon as the brunette glances at the clock, it seems to be working backwards.

Night falls softly on the classroom and the light emanating from the candles dimly illuminates the tables. Their shadows dance against the immense walls that never seem to end. The brunette didn't even listen to the lesson, but she had the time to observe her teacher properly.

The way he folds his hands behind him when he feels embarrassed. The way he lifts his vest and shirt up to his elbows, revealing his muscular forearms, studded with veins. The way he runs his long, thin fingers over his lips when he thinks. Everything he does appears completely seductive in Olivia's eyes.

Every fucking thing.

The way his face is hard, but at the same time seems so soft and familiar. The way his eyes light up when he teaches, which contrasts with his tired expression. The way she could perceive that beneath the arrogant smile and his sarcastic comment, lies sadness, an almost agony. Above all, a deep loneliness.

What happened to you, Mr Lupin?

The end of class rings and Olivia hurries to throw her things in her bag to sneak out the back. Unfortunately, the crowd of students blocked her and she assumed that Professor Lupin was too busy not to see her slip away.

"Miss Marat, where do you think you're going?" said a voice behind her. She can almost sense the amusement in his tone. "Come here, please."

Missed. Shit.

Olivia sighs and turns around to find Lupin, leaning against his desk, arms and legs crossed, one eyebrow raised. She tries to bring down her rising body temperature and regain some confidence.

"Yes, sir ?" she asks as innocently as possible.

"It seems that you forgot to return your essay to me, Miss Marat. You probably forgot," said Lupin. They both know for a fact that she didn't do it.

What is he doing? Playing with her?

"Oh, yes, the essay. I didn't do it. I'm sorry. Maybe I could turn it in tomorrow?" Olivia suggests, her face tense as she waits for his answer.

"No," Lupin says simply. "Thirty points down for Ravenclaw."

Olivia frowns. She did not expect that.

"Why punish my house when I'm the one who didn't get the job done?" she asks, slightly annoyed. "Deduct points for my NEWTs, I don't care, but not Ravenclaw."

Lupin raises his eyebrows and looks at her intensely.

"Are you telling me how to do my job, Miss Marat?"

"I'm just suggesting what I think is fairest for everyone, that's all, Sir", she responds, almost challenging him with her gaze. She doesn't know what's happening to her, but every time she talks to him, it's like she gets a dose of adrenaline.

"You talk about fairness, but what do you want me to do? For almost a month now, you've been showing up to my class without listening to a single word of what I'm saying, and you expect me to be fair?" continues Lupin without really waiting for answers. "I think I'm being fair, don't you, Miss Marat?"

As he spoke, he had moved dangerously close to Olivia. He stood only a meter away from her and the brunette felt her legs becoming weak. His scent reached Olivia, who was almost intoxicated with the smell of cigarettes, and what was a mixture of old books and chocolate.

The two didn't take their eyes off each other, and no one said a word. The tension was palpable and filled the room with an almost unbearable weight.

Lupin finally lowered his head and Olivia took this gesture as a sign that it was time for her to leave. As she closed the door behind her quietly, she leaned against it and breathed deeply in the cool early evening air. Olivia brings her hand to her chest then pinches her arm, to be sure she isn't dreaming.


She needs a cigarette. Olivia rushes to the back of the castle, to find the small abandoned room. She and Mona discovered it two years ago, when she was desperately looking for a place to smoke quietly. She sits down on an old muggle sofa that belonged to Mona's parents and takes the package out of her bag. Her fingers tremble as she barely lifts her cigarette between her lips. Olivia takes a drag and exhales, immediately feeling lighter.

What the hell just happened?


Two o'clock in the morning.

Lupin gets up from his chair and grabs a cigarette. Impossible to close his eyes. For once, it's not the moon's fault. But more of a brunette with bangs and lips that just beg to be kissed.

He exhales the smoke and looks at the stars. What happened to him just now? Play with her? Be provocative? Really, Remus ?

In her presence, it seems that he has a lot of trouble behaving.

Remus runs a hand through his hair and sighs. The images of her lips, her red lipstick, her round eyes piercing his gaze, her graceful neck come back to him and jostle his mind. And her smell. What possessed him to get so close to her? If he hadn't, he wouldn't have succumbed to the sweet scent of vanilla and sunshine emanating from her skin.

He must stop immediately or it can become a dangerous game.

Very dangerous.

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