Chapter 17

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Drystan fluttered his eyes open and rise up from the bed suddenly that even Galene was surprised. His gaze went to Galene's panic area that had now become his bed then back to Galene who was sitting on her desk now.

"Did I fell asleep?"

The question made Galene laugh. She didn't want to wake Drystan up that's why she let him sleep while she study.

"It's already 10 in the morning Zael"

He slept for that long, somehow he felt embarrassed. He couldn't believed he had slept for that long, he was lucky that it was the weekend if it wasn't he was sure he'd be late to class.

He looked at Galene who was now smiling at him. He felt worried for some reason, it was because Galene was acting like everything was normal again.

"Let me borrow your bathroom for a second"

"Sure, it's that door"

Galene pointed at the door adjacent to her bed. Drystan stood up and hurried to the bathroom where he locked himself in. He stared at himself in the mirror, he looked like a mess. He was just grateful that he didn't drooled while he was sleeping, it would be awkward for him if Galene had saw that.

Galene let out a sigh as she stare at the bathroom door. Earlier some of her neighbors were complaining about the madman again and all she could do was mutter a sorry.

"Are you alright now?"

Galene broke from her reverie and saw that Drystan had washed his face.

"Define alright"

She smiled sheepishly but Drystan didn't mind, he moved closer to her before sitting at her desk. He saw that she was studying. He grimaced as he stared at her. It was then that he realized that he hadn't called his home last night.


He took out his phone from where he had placed it last night and saw that there was only one text message. It was from Sian.

Kenzo called by to tell us that you'll be staying overnight at their place. But I know that's not the truth. Anyway wherever you are, be safe big brother.

Drystan scratched his nape while Galene just stared at him.

"Something wrong?"

"I forgot to message home last night but it seems that Kenzo had already took cover for me"

"It must have been Quincey"

Drystan's attention shifted to Galene as soon as she mentioned Quincey's name, he couldn't understand what she meant.


"Nothing, are you going to go home now?"

Was he? Truthfully he didn't want to, he didn't want to leave Galene all alone and he didn't want to leave her side.

"Do you want me to?"

Galene wanted to shake her head, she didn't want to be left alone. For the short while that Drystan had stayed beside her, she grew more afraid of being left alone. Her silence was enough answer for Drystan.

"Then how about we go out, it's the weekend after all"

Galene glanced at Drystan who was smilingly looking at her.

"You owe me one more date remember?"

It was then that Galene had finally smiled.

"Do you have something planned again?"

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