Chapter 8

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"Will you stop being angry already? It's spilling all over, your mood is all over the place and it stinks"

Quincey loudly exclaimed before throwing a piece of crumpled paper towards Galene who was busy on her sketchbook. Galene looked up from her sketchbook before showing Quincey and Serenity the new dress she was sketching.

"This dress says it's not angry"

As if to piss Quincey more, she grinned. Quincey had enough of Galene being pissed off. It had been a week since she became like that and even though they should be celebrating that the final day of examinations are over, here they were stuck in the club room with a still pissed-off Galene.

"Maybe he didn't mean it like that Galene"

Serenity said hopefully trying to alleviate Quincey's incoming burst out. But instead of answering, Galene just let out a sigh and continued her attention on her sketchbook. She wasn't artistic or anything, she just liked drawing dresses and clothes. It was her way to calm down in some ways.

"Even if he didn't, it doesn't mean he liked talking to me anyway"

"Why would you care anyway? Weren't the two of you always at each other's throats?"

Quincey made sense but somehow Galene wasn't satisfied and her anger certainly didn't subside. She thought long and hard about why she reacted that way, she shouldn't care whether Drystan liked talking to her or not but she did.

It was because she thought that things were going smoothly for the two of them. She knew that Drystan was hard to get friendly with but she still liked being close to him even if it meant that bickering was their only way of communicating.

They were at the very least civil, the two of them could hold a proper conversation every now and then that's why she felt angry when she felt like he didn't like talking to her.

"Will you please just talk with him again? He did try to talk with you again didn't he?"

Galene looked at Serenity and let out a sigh, she put down her sketchbook and started walking towards the door when she heard the guys footsteps approaching the club room.

"Hey where are you going?"

She was near the door when she met eyes with Drystan who seemed surprised upon seeing her. But he quickly looked away which made Galene more annoyed.


She answered shortly towards Quincey before walking past the guys who were looking at her back.

Drystan felt an instant regret from looking away from Galene's gaze but then again it was hard for him to not blush when he met her gaze. He just couldn't go back to how he treated her back then because his feelings weren't the same anymore.

"Will you please just talk to her? It's suffocating"

Drystan flinched when he heard Quincey yell at him while pointing her fingers in his direction. Kenzo laughed at Quincey while Malkiel just sat right next to Serenity after kissing her on the top of her head. The gesture made Serenity blush and Quincey upon seeing this just rolled her eyes.

Somehow Drystan felt as if he was jealous of the relationship between Malkiel and Serenity and Quincey clearly saw this. She pointed her fingers at Malkiel and Serenity to which everyone else was curious.

"You're jealous of them? Then hurry up and confess to Galene"

Drystan wasn't even surprised at how Quincey knew his feelings towards Galene. He just glared at his friends who all looked away from his glare. He let out a sigh, he knew that none of these guys knew how to handle a secret, he was just grateful enough that they didn't tell Galene.

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