Chapter 6

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Drystan hummed as he walked down the hallway, he stopped immediately when he saw the lights of the club room turned on. He let out a sigh before muttering a curse under his breath.

"Those guys, I was sure I told them to turn off the lights when they go"

They had been practicing for the upcoming performance during the last day of the festival when Miss Emily had called out Drystan. She had handed him invitations and flyers for upcoming activities. He instructed them before leaving to turn off the lights of the club room when they leave.

He swore to scold them when he see them tomorrow but he froze when he saw that it wasn't the guys who was using the club room this late at night.

Even with her back facing him, Drystan easily knew who was sitting on the small desk set up on the corner of the club room. He took a sharp intake of breath and walked towards her. He saw that Galene hadn't noticed him yet and when he got near her, he finally learned the reason why.

Galene was wearing earphones, her music so loud it even leaked and Drystan could hear the song that was playing on it. It was one of their songs that they had played on one of their gigs.

Galene finally looked up to Drystan when she noticed the shadow of his engulf the papers she was organizing. She took off one of her earphones.

"Zael? You're still here?"

Drystan's eyebrows knit in the middle.

"And you? With the music booming so loud, why didn't you lock the door? What if some stranger gets inside?"

Galene turned her gaze towards the door and realized that she indeed hadn't locked the door on her way in.

"I forgot, anyway no one comes here at night"

Drystan was furious, he wasn't sure if Galene was overly confident or overly trusting but whatever it was, he was furious at the thought of what might happen if someone else other than him had entered the club room.

"Regardless, why are you here at night anyway? I thought you girls went to buy your clothes for the last day of the festival?"

Galene only shrugged at him before turning off her phone.

"We already did, I just went back to fix some papers"

Drystan took a glance at the schedule that Galene was organizing. The schedule was for the events they'll partake in after the mid-year break. He let out a sigh and sat on the edge of the desk before handing Galene the several invitations that he had gotten from Miss Emily.

Galene stared at it, shocked at the pile of invitations.

"You're kidding? I have to remake the schedule? And what's with this crazy amount of invitation"

Drystan couldn't help but take pride at seeing Galene's panicked expression for the first time. A little smiled curved on his lips before he took Galene's clipboard.

"Why are you organizing this anyway? It's the festival"

"Well, exams are next week. I don't want work to pile up and I want to just enjoy the festival you know"

Drystan understood her but that wasn't enough explanation why she was in here so late at night. He looked at Galene one more time before he stood up, hands extending towards Galene, to which she stared at.


"Let's go home, I'll help you with this first thing in the morning tomorrow"

Galene raised an eyebrow and grinned but still accepted Drystan's extended hand to help her get up from her seat.

Not another song about loveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora