twenty three

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Kook: ( glaring at Yoongi as he turned to leave then stopped and look back with cold eyes ,staring deep into yoongi's soul ) Aww grandpaaaa don't worry ( mocked with a teasing pout )you gonna get double of your amount, so don't cry about that  ( rolled his eyes and left toward the ring with rage full eyes  while yoongi smirked as he mumbled a few words to himself and stood there attentively as the match started gaining everyone's attention )

Kai: ( came in ring smirking ) Get ready to be beaten up kid ( said as he stood in his position )

Kook: Will see who will get beaten up ( rolled his eyes ,kai didn't said anything as he waited for the round to get start and as it started he punched kook directly on his cheek )

Kai: Aww ( teased as the crowd cheer for him making him more overconfident ) See who is getting pun-- ( and he flew to ground with only one punch of Kook who simply gave a judging grin in return )

Kook: Guess I am not ( he again punched Kai on his jaw just as he overcome the first hit ) Aww ( mimicked Kai's words )Come on get up ,I don't wanna win like this .

Kai: (lips bleeding badly still held the same attitude )  Not bad though_ ( Kook again punched him in stomach making all the crowd gasp loudly as kai fell on ground groaning with Kook getting on him and punching him nonstop ) ahh

Kook: I hate such an attitude ( punch )  Overconfident , weren't ( Punch ) you ? Aww ( sighed heavily as he punched again ) Sorry I like to break people's confidence ( punch ) But oo no you ( punnch) Did provoke ( punch hardly on his eye knocking him down ) me !! ( he was again going to punch as the referee held his hand and stopped him from beating the already unconscious man  and announced him the winner )

Yoongi on other side ;

Yoongi:( smirking while looking at kook who was beating Kai mercilessly ) Look like he had a lot to take out  ,Poor that Kai have to become the victim ( shook his head  amusingly as the winner was announced he looked around only to see the fell off faces of people who has bet on Kai but loosed their money ,as it make him chuckled and he left to counter to get his amount back )

Yoongi: My money ( said with a straight face as the man looked at him 'messed up ' look and gave him his check and the amount he won )

Man: Don't ever come back ( rolled his eyes )

Yoongi : You don't tell me that ! ( said challenging with a cold voice )

Man : Or what ? ( raised his eyebrow )

Yoongi:( held the man from his neck as he kicked the nearby chair out of his way  getting everyone's attention ) Or I might lose my Sh*t ( said in a deep scary voice )

Man:( gulped as he tried to get out of the hold ) Leave_e me

Yoongi: Or what ? ( smirked as no one dared to  middle in their matter ,having no courage to face such a dangerous looking man ) say sorry !

Man: ( couldn't look in yoongi's eyes anymore ) S_sorry

Yoongi:( leave the man with a jerk with a quick eye roll and turn to leave when he saw Kook looking at him ,he only gave a little smirk to kook as he made his way toward the club completely ignoring everyone's judging stares )

Kook: ( gave a last look to Kai who was unconscious on the ground and started leaving the ring But saw Yoongi having a Man's neck ,he amusingly stared at the whole scene until His eyes met with yoongi's ,The little smirk on Yoongi's face wasn't unnoticed by him and that actually make him wanting to talk to yoongi  so he went behind yoongi in the club and saw him sitting on The counter chair and drinking quietly )

Kook: A moment ago he was scaring the hell out of everyone and now sitting like the most pious man ( mumbled to himself as he mentally rolled his eyes then proceeded to approach Yoongi )

Yoongi:( sensing someone caming behind him ,he abruptly turned his chair ) I knew you would come.




At Park Mention ;

Jimin: ( hugging tae close to his chest on Bed who crying badly ) Taetae_e ,bub stop_p na ,Its no_t a Biggie deal ,He didn't mea_n it ( said holding back his own tears seeing his brother crying this much ) Listen To H_hyungie baby shh ( said wiping his tears again but tae only hide his face in Jimin's chest and cried silently )

Tae: H_he h_hat_e m_me( hiccuping ) H_he sa_aid I_ A_am chi_ld_ish ( clutched Jimin's shirt tightly remembering each word kook said )

Jimin: No You aren't_t ,he was just angry ,You know how much love you right ? He will never say something like that ,its just he was not in his right mind so he said things which he didn't mean

Tae:( sobbing hardly ) B_but h_he s_sai_d ( crying ) H_hyungi_ie Am_m I real_ly annoyi_ng ( hiccuping badly ) He_e c_calle_d m_me immat-( Jimin didnt let him complete his words as he hugged him tightly and start rubbing circles on his back )

Jimin: You are not immature or annoying ,stop thinking like that tae ! Don't you believ your hyungie hmm ! You are my baby ok ! You can never be annoying for me ,You are so presious to me ,I can't see a single tear in your eyes , And seeing you crying like this is breakin_g my heart

Tae: I a_am s_sor-( and he start crying more making Jimin to panick a little by how he was literally trembling badly now ) I d_disa_appoin_t y_ou_

Jimin: You d_idnt make me disappointed baby ,Hyung love you _u why would he be disappointed at you_( he looked at tae who was not even near to stop crying ) Why are c_crying this badly ,you will g_get sick please stop crying  For me pleas_e ( saying he wiped tae's tears off his red cheeks and embrace his lill frame in his arms massaging his forehead a little and a mean time due to a lot of cryings and headache tae eventually fell asleep in Jimin's arms ) Tae?( hearing no voice Jimin calls his name but found him sleeping ,he sighed and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead than on his cheeks and laid him on bed properly and when he feels like tae was in deep slumber he called Ken and asked him to look for Jungkook )

Jimin: Inform me quickly  ( said as he hanged up the call and looked at tae ) He cried too much ,I just hope he won't fell sick_k( a few tears escaped his cheeks ) Jungkook how can you say such things ,how will I make him understand now ( he cried silently ) I feel so powerless at this moment , I am just feeling so useless aghh ( suppressed his cries ) I need you hyung ,I can't take this everything alone____


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