Step 20: Fall asleep

Start from the beginning

"Oh, Lord Clausson." The stable master looked away from the stall he was inspecting as Frey reached Tea For Two. "I didn't expect to see you so early in the day. Is something wrong?"

In Frey's head, the words seemed to linger for ages as he processed them, but it only took him a second to reply.

"I was awoken quite abruptly, but it's no matter," he replied truthfully, then switching focus to his horse. "I just noticed that Tea For Two looks a little down, so I was wondering if... There are any carrots left?"

"Of course, sir." The stable master almost looked amused. "It would be strange otherwise, wouldn't it?"

Frey nodded absentmindedly as his mind flooded with confusion and frustration.

"It would."

"Should I go get some for her?" The stable master then asked, and Frey blinked as he was brought back to the conversation.

"Why you?"

The stable master raised his eyebrows, glancing around the area void of other people.

"The other grooms are busy, so it would be quicker if I—"

"Isn't that the stable boy's job?" Frey couldn't wait for a full reply. "I saw him outside, why would a stable master be tasked with something like fetching carrots?"

Something seemed to dawn on the stable master then, and he sucked air through his teeth, which was not a promising reaction.

"Oh, uh... See, I know it's not becoming of a stable boy to have reservations but... I never make Marius go down into the root cellar. So I don't mind doing it myself."

Frey stared at him, still not quite registering what he was staring at as his mind wasn't the least calmed by this.

"... Why?"

"It's nothing you need to trouble yourself with, si—"

"I asked you a question." Frey's eyes were burning in the usual, impatient way they always had when interacting with servants. "Are you going to answer it?"

The stable master wrinkled his forehead, but nodded.

"My apologies, sir." He glanced towards the stable doors. "It's because of what happened before he came here."

"I heard he worked in a mine."

"Yes." The stable master nodded gravely. "But there was a cave-in."

Frey could feel his face paling, and he hurriedly drew a calming breath before his voice could tremble.

"And he was... Trapped inside?"

"Well no, or he would have been dead." The stable master shook his head. "He and a handful others made it out, but the panic and tumult while getting out through those tunnels, and the people either crushed or trapped behind them... I imagine it left some haunting feelings, and if he doesn't want to be in cramped places underground I felt like I could make an exception."

Frey's heart wanted to beat its way through his chest, thoughts of Marius' reluctance to the shop below ground chilling his body as he tried to keep his composure.

"I... Suppose that's understandable," he said, voice still lower than intended. "He must have some disturbing memories from then, losing many fellow workers and such."

"And his father."

An emotional gut punch, and Frey's body grew numb.


"His father was trapped inside as well, or... Crushed. I don't know, I never thought to ask him something like that."

Frey didn't know what to do with himself. He just stood there, possibly staring into nothing, possibly staring right at the stable master, but hardly focused enough to care.

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