Seokjin shakes his head "No It's just ,I am not used to ..this"

He sighs ,pursing his lips "I have only had random hookups for years so it's " Seokjin looks away , afraid of being judged.

He doesn't flinch this time when Namjoon cups his face , turning him to meet his gaze "That's okay Jin .I am not going to judge you.But I do need to know if you are okay with this.Because , let's be honest,they are expecting a lovey dovey couple.If you are not comfortable around me ,they are going to know"

Seokjin nods , sighing in exasperation "I plan to come clean about my lie after Jimin's wedding.I don't think I can live with this guilt anymore than I already had"

"You should"
Namjoon says calmly "But right now,you bear that guilt .So as your stud Alpha boyfriend, it's my duty to reduce your guilt "

Seokjin lets out a loud laugh "That's adorable for you to say .But how are you planning to do that ? There's a wide web of lies we are talking about here"

"Hey, it's not a lie that we met in a bar though"

Namjoon points out with a grin

"You are damn right!"
Seokjin beams , instantly lightening up "But I also lied about you not liking sea food.That's the reason I came up to why I have never went to fishing with you"

The Alpha smirks,leaning close "What if I say that I indeed don't like eating sea food . Especially crabs"

"Oh ,but I love crabs .And lobsters too "
Seokjin grins "Could that be one of the reasons we fight often?"

Namjoon takes the bait and gets into the character "I can forgive you for eating lobsters ,but crabs? We will definitely have a fight over it"

"Perfect .And then I always make it up to you by buying you a book on plants . Because you are a nerd and love plants"
Seokjin laughs,remembering what Namjoon told him when they were discussing each of their likings

"Hey, you are a nerd too .Reading comics until you pass out because you forget to eat until you finish the series"

"That only happens on weekends"
Seokjin pouts , allowing Namjoon to pull him on his lap "Also ,you don't stay overnight most of the time because you always have to show up early to your gym which is far from where I live"

They pause ,realising how close they have came ,their breaths fanning over their faces . Namjoon could easily count  Seokjin's lashes and Seokjin was able to note the number of moles on the Alpha's face.

He shifts on the Alpha's lap , internally screaming when he accidentally rubs their members together.

His entire body freezes when Namjoon leans to whisper against his ear "And when I do, we don't catch much sleep"

Shivers run down Seokjin's frame and he shudders when Namjoon's lips brush against his neck "I-I think we should get something to eat"

He was so expecting a comment from Namjoon like 'I would better have you for lunch'

But instead the Alpha was reeling back and clearing his throat "How does chicken and beer sound? Unless,you don't drink in the day"

Seokjin gets out of his mini daze and nods "I am down for beer any time of the day"

Namjoon snaps his fingers " As you wish,babe.Lunch's on your Alpha"

"I don't have an Alpha"
Seokjin narrows his eyes but there was a small smile playing on his lips

"Oh you have one .For seven business days "
Namjoon winks "I am your Alpha"

Seokjin nods ,smile never leaving his face .He doesn't remember when was the last time he was this comfortable with someone

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