Chapter 34: Pretty Bird

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You called Ivankov, explaining everything to him that you were comfortable bringing up over the phone. You almost had a secret language between the two of you, with all the ways you'd danced around his business' true uses. Even so, you were extra careful with your conversation, and promised to tell him everything else once it was all sorted and done.

"Alright, we will talk more later," Ivan says, relief in his voice. "I will come by Tuesday, so -."


"Is that too soon?"

"I... will be in the office Monday?"

"You absolutely will not!" It was hard to say if your boss or your father was talking at that moment, but you didn't get a chance to clarify. "You have been through an ordeal, you will take at least a week off."

"A week!?" You nearly drop the phone. "Wait, no, just a-."

"TWO WEEKS!" Ivan's voice booms so loudly that everyone in the living room turns to look at you. Except Marco. He is pointedly trying his best to stay out of the conversation. For your benefit or his, you're not sure, but you are certain he'd be taking Ivankov's side at this point.

"... I'll see you Tuesday then." You say after a moment. "Around lunch time?"

"Yes, I'll bring something with me."

"Yes ma'am." You respond a little sarcastically, a smile on your lips even as you say it.

You say your farewells to Ivankov and let out a heavy breath as you hang up the phone. You turn to Marco to say something when the phone vibrates in your hand. Looking down you see Kid's number come up on the screen and groan. You're tempted to let it go to voice mail, but it's noon on a Sunday, and you know Kid's been as patient as he could ever hope to be waiting this long.

You hit the button. "I'm alive." You say in place of your usual greeting.

"Who cut your gas line?" Kid questions. His voice is calm, and he's not swearing. You feel your blood run so cold you almost shiver. If the gods are merciful Teach should hope he was eaten by the Library.

"I can't say right now," you answer honestly. You might know who it is, but you're not about to utter a dead man's name over an unsecure line.

"... Can you come to the shop?"

"Not today." You turn a little too fast to accept a cup of tea from Izou hissing against the sudden pain, and hear Kid growl.

"(Y/N)." If you could see him right now you're pretty sure he'd look terrifying.

"Kid. I'm alive." You reiterate. "I'll be by tomorrow."

"After work?"

"No... I..." You pause realizing your error a second too late. "I'm taking the week off." Closing your eyes you hold the phone away from your ear a  little, having learned an important lesson just one phone call ago.

There's a pause, and then Kid delivers, practically bellowing into the phone. "ARE YOU IN A FUCKING HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW? How many of your godsdamned bones are fucking broken?!" There's a break and then a still loud, though far quieter statement. "Are you dying?"

"Wha- no! No I'm not dyin', fuckin' hells Red, I've taken time off work before!" You shout back, holding the phone in front of your face to get your whole voice into the mic. "You asshole, I'm fine. I mean, I'm going to be fine. Nothing feels broken and I'm... getting medical attention." You nearly growl the words feeling your face heat up like you were being obtuse even though you weren't.

"Medi- oh. Right. Yeah." Kid heaves a sigh and you can almost hear him pinch the bridge of his nose to calm himself down. "The vet doc. I'd like to see him on Monday too."

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