Chapter 17: Pirated

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Wednesday and Thursday passed with all the speed you expected, which is to say they did not go by quickly at all. You were able to find time to meet with Marco for lunch, but it almost seemed cruel to only see him for a few minutes as you both quickly took lunch and hastily made your ways back into work.

A swift kiss against your cheek before the veterinarian was jogging back to the hospital, was better than nothing, but for the first time in a very long time, you lamented your general busyness.

The drive into work and back home were also a point of frustration. You didn't realize how nice it was to have someone to talk to in the morning, or after work. It wasn't even like either of you spoke of anything overly important. Marco would talk about work, and so would you. There were no statements of how you missed one another, though there was a kind of unspoken sense of it.

Especially now.

You had most assuredly fallen fast and hard, and the only saving grace was that you had enough experience and sheer tenacity that at least it wasn't impacting your work. If anything, you were more focused while you were at work, because letting your mind wander made you miss him all that much more. It was just easier to keep your mind on work.

"I think you have a date tonight." Bon-chan hums, bringing you a coffee after lunch.

You smile. "What gave it away?"

"Well, your smile was brighter and wider Monday and Tuesday, and you said that the vet was giving you a ride to and from work." He begins. "But yesterday and the day before you didn't seem quite as cheerful. Not sad though, but certainly focused on your work. Poor Buggy was struggling to keep up with you." He laments and you snort.

"Today your tempo is steady, and your smile is improved." He finishes, taking a drink of his coffee before smiling widely. "So you're going to see your hot doctor tonight." Bon's voice has a teasing tone in it as he nearly sings the words.

"I am. The plan is to go to the carnival at the docks." You explain. "So I was maybe working a little faster than usual this week because I didn't want to sleep in the office, or work over today."

"Oh? Are you actually trying to balance some life into your work?" He muses, leaning against the cubicle and leaning in like he does for good gossip.

"My life and work were balanced." You huff.

"Your life was a feather on the scale compared to your work," he scoffs. "The only balance that existed was due to the fact that your work was the scale itself."

"Alright, alright, point made. I was - am - perhaps a bit of a workaholic." You grumble. "But we do good work, and I like the work I do." You add, turning away from him and getting back to your work.

"That we do, but I'm happy for you." He adds.

"... Thanks Bon-chan, I appreciate that." You say, glancing over your shoulder and giving him a gentle smile as he starts to walk away with a wink.

"Ah, I do have one more small parcel of wisdom for you, before I leave you in peace, little love bird." He says, twirling on his toes and coming back to you.

"And what would that be, Bon-bon?" You hum, turning toward him entirely.

"Just because your car's fixed, it doesn't mean you cannot carpool into work, non?" With a single raised eyebrow he walks away and leaves you to your thoughts.

Thoughts that don't leave you alone for the rest of your shift.

You'd never moved too quickly in a relationship before. If you were being honest, you really never moved at all in a relationship before. It was half the reason things didn't work out between you and Kid, or at the very least it was half the reason that most of your arguments started. You liked your space, your quiet, and your privacy.

Moving in with someone, or having them move in with you - an option that wasn't even an option with Kid because his place was perfect by his standards - just seemed to risk everything. Time apart was important, having things you could do, and wanted to do on your own, was healthy.

Admittedly, you generally liked doing things on your own so much that you didn't really do anything with someone else. You and Kid hooked up. Sure you saw a couple movies together, but his hands spent more time between your thighs than his eyes spent on the screen. Your other dalliances weren't people who had plans on staying on the island in the first place, never mind staying within the same city.

Everyone at arm's length.

It was less about trust, and more about safety. Kid had a devil fruit, but he didn't care to - or didn't need to - hide it. Marco had one, and while he admitted to having one, he hadn't said what it was, or what it could do, so it was possible that it was safer for him to avoid drawing attention to himself.

Between the tattoo and the brothers and the shipping experience, and his ties with Ivankov, no matter the steps between him and Ivan, it wasn't a stretch to assume he was on the government's radar to some degree. You were pretty sure you knew the insignia, pretty sure you knew who Pops was.

If an Emperor and his sons were willing to settle down on a small island in the North Blue and stop causing trouble after Roger, then well, it was probably better for the World Government to leave them be. Assisting with Heun was probably as close to helping Ivan's "company" as they could risk.

It was an uneasy sort of balance. The Government couldn't shake the remains of the Emperors and pirates too hard, or they'd band together and lash out. The pirates couldn't shake the Government too hard on their own, or they'd get flooded by Admirals, or worse, get the island they were on flattened.

Pirates protecting islands by behaving.

The amusing, if not twisted, idea brought a smile to your lips before you shoved your quickly spiraling thoughts aside and focused on your work. Once you were done for the day, it was a short drive home, a quick shower and a change of clothes.

Nothing too fancy, warmth was the focus of the outfit over much else. Once the sun went down it was going to get cold quickly, and you didn't want to wear, or deal with, a heavy coat. A thin faux turtle neck with a knit sweater over top should be good enough. A pair of gloves in case your hands got too cold, thick socks and some nice hiking boots. A thick pair of leggings and a wool skirt gave the whole ensemble a cute vibe to go with the warmth, and the boots meant you wouldn't get blisters walking all over the place.

A little snack, a little makeup, a little bit of nervousness and a cup of tea to help with that.

Headlights in the driveway let you know Marco had arrived, and when you opened the door to greet him, you nearly shut it in his face. You do close it a bit, looking away for a second before you open it back up. Marco's just standing on your porch with a knowing smile.

He's in a cream colored turtleneck with a dark wool blazer over it. A beige and gold scarf loose around his neck finishes off the look, and that's before you even notice the dark pants and loafers.

"I did well." He says evenly, leaning down and giving you a light kiss on the cheek. "So did you."

Pressing your lips together you give him a smile. "Thank... thank you." You clear your throat. "Did you... I mean, are we heading there right away?"

"That's the plan." He muses, glancing into your house for a second before you step outside and close the door. "If I go in there now, we might not make it to the carnival at all tonight."

You have to admit that's not the worst thing you've ever heard, but you remember his words from last weekend. How much he enjoyed getting out and about with you, and decided not to say anything - teasingly or otherwise.

Marco opens the car door for you, an easy grin playing on his lips.

"I'm getting the full date experience, hm?" You muse, sitting in the passenger seat and making sure you were all settled in.

"As often as you can stand to let me provide it." He replies, closing the door for you before walking over to the driver's side and getting in.

"You are just determined to spoil me rotten." You playfully complain.

"Considering that box of condoms I saw on your counter," he begins, and you turn and look out your window to avoid whatever look he might be giving you. "I'd say you're trying to spoil me, yoi."

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