Chapter 26: Ivan-Cause

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You gave Marco a quick kiss before exiting the SEL and heading up into the office. You'd both agreed to trade off who drove, so that neither car would accidentally sit for too long. You had a lot to talk to Ivan about, and the only thing that weighed on you as you took the elevator to your floor was where to start.

Once you got off the elevator, you were greeted by Buggy, peering from over the top of his cubicle. You could see the questions in his eyes, and you gave him a soft smile even as you handed off a cup of coffee from Sanji's café. Despite not getting to bed until later than you would've preferred, you were both up early, and decided to celebrate your first Monday living together by treating your respective offices to coffee.

"What's up Bugs?"

"You got dropped off." He says, taking the coffee with a quiet thank you.

"Were you staring out the window or something?"

"No, well, no not really, but you're usually in earlier on Mondays and I was worried. I wasn't staring, I just saw. It's a flashy car." He takes a sip. "But it's not your Firebird."

"It's not, but it is a really nice car." You admit. "Nice driver too."

Buggy chokes on his coffee, sputtering a moment and mopping up the small mess quickly. "The vet?"

You nod. "Yes, the vet... His name's Marco."

Buggy's eyes nearly fall out of his head. "You already know his name?"

"Buggy, we've gone on a couple dates, of course I know his name!" You huff.

"Well, yeah, but you didn't even say The Mechanic's," he emphasizes the title in a snobby voice, rolling his eyes, "name until like, months into it, and I don't know that the one business man even had a name."

You put a hand over your face, hoping that there weren't any obvious signs of embarrassment scrawled on it. You knew Buggy wasn't nearly as oblivious as he tended to act, but having him toss your own insecurities about names in your face like this was a bit much.

Names just had an intimacy as far as you were concerned. Maybe it was just a hangup you'd learned from your family, who tended to use titles and surnames almost exclusively, even amongst one another.

"Is Ivan in?" You question in a long-suffering tone.

Buggy nods. "Got in before me, he's been in the office with the door closed, but no one else is in there."

You give Buggy your thanks, and go over to the desk nearest Ivan's office, handing out the other coffee to Bon-chan.

"Bon-bon, how's the boss?" You question, pulling Ivan's and your drink free from the caddy.

"Ah, thank you, thank you." He says, taking a drink before answering you. "Ivana was busy busy this morning, but she did say to let you in if you needed it. I think you have some good news?" He prompts, giving you a delighted knowing look.

"I shouldn't be surprised you all would catch on so fast, but yes. I do have some good news. News I want Ivan to know first, for one, and from me before anyone else." You assert.

"Goodness, you make it sound like you're getting married." Bonclay teases and your jaw goes slack.

"No! No, not y-. Not at all. We're just... I'm just..." You sigh and set your head down on the desk. "You heard nothing."

"I heard nothing." He agrees, patting your shoulder lightly before you turn and go into Ivan's office.

You knock before entering, hearing Ivan call you in before you press the lever style handle down with your elbow, using your hip to open the door to avoid spilling the coffees you had. Ivan was in lady mode, looking over some paperwork, intently enough she was using her glasses like she was supposed to.

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