Chapter 25: Family

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Marco returned after a series of apologetic texts explaining that his brothers weren't letting him leave until he answered some of their questions. Once he walked in the door he set a suitcase and backpack down, took off his shoes and scooped you up into his arms, hugging you close and breathing deep before saying anything.

"Welcome home," you say quietly, giving him a few soft kisses before he finally set you back down.

"Home, eh?"

"For the foreseeable." You grin. "You want some tea? From your texts it sounded like your brothers were interrogating you."

"Tea sounds wonderful, yoi." He admits, walking into the kitchen with you, and sitting on the breakfast bar. "Ace was the worst of the lot, and he was feeding the others." He grins and sighs. "I had to promise to visit at least one Saturday a month just to reach my closet."

"Well, you have your promise for October in the bag." You point out with a smile. "Since that's when the party is."

"I am expecting to hear 'that doesn't count', from someone." He admits with a grin.

You hand him a cup of tea, stepping back and leaning against the counter top, taking a sip of your own cup. "Any other concessions?"

"They haven't even met you yet, and I've been requested not to horde you all to myself." He says with a grunt. "I pointed out that you had a say in that, that they couldn't control, yoi. But also," he begins taking another sip. "I warned that if they crashed too many dates you might get your fill of them."

You laugh. "Well, that's one way to solve that concern."

"Have you alked to Ivan yet?" He questions, looking over at you before taking another sip.

You shake your head. "I'm going to Monday. Figure I can just let all three of them know at once and then use my work commitments to cut the whole thing short." You explain with a smile. "I mean, no one's going to say anything bad, they know better."

"I feel like 'willful child' was something used to describe you." Marco muses, affection in his voice.

You grin, setting down your cup of tea. "Repeatedly, I'm sure." You lift yourself up onto the counter to sit and let out a heavy breath. "Less so, before I ran away."

You pause for a moment, looking around the room before looking back at Marco. "I don't know the name of the island I was born on, but I know it's in the New World somewhere. My family were... broken. They were broken. Three brothers, a sister, my mom and dad, all just empty shells going through the motions of living."

You press your lips together and put your face in your hands for a second, pulling your feet up onto the counter, practically hiding behind your knees.

"You don't have to tell me," Marco says softly, staying where he is.

"No, I do. I do," you admit putting your hands down and doing your best to look at him. "Because it would be cruel to feel this way, and to be this close, and then not say anything." Sorrow, deep and powerful crosses your face, despite your efforts in trying to maintain some level of neutrality.

You knew how the world felt about-

"- My family were nobles." You say flatly. "Disgraced nobles, as far as the story goes, living in squalor after being removed from the lists." You look away a little, eyes unfocused on anything in the here and now. "But that life was all I knew. I was born after their fall. I knew nothing else but that house, and it was a little larger than this place. It was hardly squalor, hardly poverty. It was comfortable. Dry and warm when it was cold outside and dry and cool when it was hot outside.

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