His thoughts were interrupted as a thin tongue reached out to lick his cheek. "Ying!" Aang exclaimed with a mixture of joy and relief, turning to greet one of his loyal companion.

As Katara and Sokka rounded the corner, they were met with a bewildering sight—Aang, the boy they had just encountered, embraced by a massive flying bison and a majestic dragon. Their jaws dropped in disbelief as Aang introduced them to his extraordinary companions.

"What in the world is that?" Sokka exclaimed, his disbelief evident as he struggled to process the surreal scene unfolding before them.

"This is Appa and Ying, my flying bison and dragon," Aang replied casually, as if encountering such mythical creatures was an everyday occurrence.

Sokka arched an eyebrow incredulously. "Ah, yes," he replied with heavy sarcasm. "And here we have Katara, my flying sister."

Aang opened his mouth to respond, but his attention was swiftly diverted as Kireina's discomfort became apparent. With a sudden jolt, her golden yellow eyes snapped open, causing Aang to gasp in a mixture of shock and relief as she struggled to sit up, clutching her head.

"Reina! Your eyes!" Aang exclaimed, his voice echoing with a blend of concern and amazement, prompting Kireina to wince and cover her ears in response. Aang's expression softened as he quickly apologized, realizing the unintended volume of his outburst. He just had never seen the girl with eyes of that hue.

Before Aang could delve into the mystery of Kireina's eyes, Katara interjected with a question. "Who is she?"

"This is Kireina, my closest friend!" Aang announced proudly, offering Kireina a supportive hand as she rose to her feet, steadying her with a gentle grip on her hips. Turning to face the siblings, Aang's grin widened. "So, do you guys live around here?"

Sokka wasted no time in voicing his suspicions, spear pointed accusingly at the pair. "Don't answer that! Did you see that crazy bolt of light? They were probably signaling the Fire Navy."

Katara, quick to come to their defense, chimed in with practiced indignation. "Oh, yeah. It's quite obvious they're spies for the Fire Navy. Just look at the evil look in the boy's eyes."

Aang met Sokka's accusatory gaze with an innocent smile, his teeth gleaming in the sunlight.

"The paranoid one is my brother, Sokka," Katara added dryly, addressing Aang and Kireina. "But enough about us. You never told us your names."

Before Kireina could offer a response, Aang felt an unmistakable tickle in his nostrils. "I'm A... aaaahhhh... ahhhhh... aaah aaah aaah AAAAAACHOOOO!" With a powerful sneeze, Aang was launched into the air, soaring several feet above the ground before gravity reclaimed him, depositing him back on the earth with a gentle thud. Once he regained his composure, he answered Katara's query with a sniffle and a nose rub. "I'm Aang."

Sokka regarded him with a mixture of disbelief and incredulity. "You just sneezed... and flew ten feet in the air!"

"Really? It felt higher than that," Kireina interjected with a playful grin.

"You're an Airbender!" Katara exclaimed in astonishment.

"Sure am! And so is Kireina!" Aang confirmed, flashing her a radiant smile.

Unimpressed by the spectacle unfolding before him, Sokka turned on his heel and began to walk away. "Giant light beams... flying bisons and dragons... Airbenders... I think I've got Midnight Sun Madness. I'm heading home, where things make sense."

Observing Sokka's retreat towards the edge of the iceberg, Kireina noted the desolate expanse surrounding them—nothing but sea and ice as far as the eye could see.

"Well, if you find yourselves stranded, Appa and Ying can give you a lift," Aang offered generously, gesturing towards the two flying creatures.

"We'd be grateful for the ride! Thank you!" Katara accepted eagerly, opting to board the Flying Bison, feeling slightly daunted by the prospect of riding the dragon.

"I, on the other hand, refuse to board that oversized fluff ball," Sokka declared with a scowl of disdain.

Katara couldn't resist a smug retort. "Are you holding out for a different monster to offer you a lift home? You know, before you freeze to death?"

Sokka began to retort but ultimately relented, heaving a resigned sigh. "Fine, but I at least expect a turn riding the dragon."

Kireina chuckled at Sokka's playful stubbornness as he settled into the wide seat on Ying's back, securing himself with the provided braces.

"Alright, first-time flyers, hold on tight!" Aang announced with infectious enthusiasm. "Appa, yip yip!"

With a low rumble and a powerful flap of his massive beaver tail, Appa launched into the air, his wide legs spreading to support his weight. Ying attempted to follow suit but noticed his friend plunging back into the water with a resounding splash. Opting for a different approach, Ying gracefully transitioned into a smooth swim alongside the bison, keeping pace with his airborne companion.

Aang gave the reins another shake. "Come on, Appa. Yip yip," he urged, tugging on the ropes in a futile attempt to rouse the unresponsive bison.

"So inspiring," Sokka remarked sarcastically from his perch on Ying's back, eliciting a playful swat from the mighty dragon's tail that nearly sent him tumbling. "Okay, okay, my bad!" Sokka quickly apologized, earning laughter from the others at the swift karma.

Rather than taking offence, Kireina found herself chuckling along with the rest. "Appa's just a bit worn out, and Ying is so loyal to his friend that he won't fly without him," she explained, noticing Aang's appreciative nod before his attention settled on Katara, a warm smile gracing his features. For reasons she couldn't quite fathom, a twinge of jealousy flickered within Kireina at the sight of Aang's gaze lingering on their new friend.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Katara questioned, her confusion evident.

"Oh... was I smiling?" Aang responded innocently, prompting another giggle from Kireina and a groan of disgust from Sokka.

"This is shaping up to be quite the adventure," Sokka grumbled before turning his attention to the expanse of sea below, where he soon found himself drifting off into a restless slumber.

𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒾𝓃𝒹

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