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Nora walked into the reception venue hand in hand with Michelle, James trialing behind them. The two were finally able to have a sleep over together, Michelle's parents finally trusting having the girl over whilst James was there. 

"This is going to be so much fun" Nora smiled, always loving weddings. Even if she didn't know those getting married any celebration of love was a good thing to her. 

"Aye do you think I could snag us some drinks" before Nora could even open her mouth Michelle was already off in search for a beverage. 

"Aye she's gonna get us into some trouble" Nora shook her head at the girl 

"What else did you expect" James laughed. 

Despite the sleepover being meant to only involve the two girls James had stuck by the pair, making up excuses on why he had to enter the room they were in or linger around the pair. If Nora was being honest she was happy she got to see so much of the boy, even though she did love her time with Michelle.

"Have you been to a wedding before?" Nora asked the boy. 

"Yeah but they were all pretty boring" the boy rubbed the back of his neck, remembering all the times he had to awkwardly stand in the corner at weddings. 

"Well I ensure you this one will not be boring" Nora spoke taking his hand. He gazed down at her, getting lost in her eyes. 

"Hey guys" Seemingly out of nowhere Clare was standing next to the pair causing James to jump and Nora to smile and hug her blonde friend. "You look so cute" Nora complimented her friend. 

"I found them" Michelle yelled at the three, obviously unsuccessful at finding a drink: or someone that would be willing to serve her one. 

"Motherfuckers" Michelle yelled as Erin and Orla approached the group

"How's it been" Clare asked excited. 

"Boring "Brilliant" Erin and Orla answered at the same time 

"Erin! Orla!" Mary came bolting towards the group of teens "I said you could invite one friend to the reception! One!" 

"Och, Mummy, they don't come separately."Erin whined 

"Aye, we're pack animals, Mary." Michelle added. 

"I love your hat, Mrs Quinn." James spoke giving the woman a little thumbs up. "Thanks, son." Mary spoke happy at least one person likes her hat. 

"Dickhead." Michelle whispered to James 

"Well, no old carry-on. Do you hear me? We're in enough bother as it is. Best behaviour." Mary pointed sternly at the group before leaving 

"You'll have no trouble from us, Mary." Michelle yelled out to the woman before turning to the group. "OK, girls, who wants to do drugs?"

"Me." Nora instantly spoke next to a nodding Orla, only to receive a little bump from James, silently a way to tell the girl off 

"I'm sorry?" Clare asked in disbelief 

"Nothing heavy, just a bit of blow." Michelle defended. 

"And where are you planning on getting a bit of blow from, Michelle?" Erin asked, a little too loudly as a priest walked right by the group. Nora gave him a little wave hoping that would magically make him forget what he had just heard. 

"Right, well, you know Macca?" Michelle continued when he was out of ear shot. 

'I can't say I do.' Erin responded as the group followed Michelle towards the dance floor 

"Aye, Macca. Big Macca. Come on! Everybody knows Macca." Michelle insisted 

"We don't." Clare spoke frustrated 

"Wise up! Macca? Macca. Macca. Macca!" 

"That's not helping, Michelle!"

"Macca. Tall fella, dark hair, wonky nose from when he used to do the bare-knuckle boxing. Look, he's loads of tattoos, big scar under his left eye. He was kicked out of Creggan for joyriding!" 

"Well, he sounds delightful!" Clare sarcastically hissed 

"He really does." Orla smiled. 

 "He said he can hook us up. Class or what?" Michelle expected her friends to praise her but she was met with unimpressed looks. Even Nora who had originally been on her friends side didn't feel all to good about getting drugs from this Macca guy. 

 "I'm not sure." Erin spoke nervous 

"Well, I am. It's not happening." Clare spoke sternly 

"Drugs are for mugs, folks!"

"Congratulations, Clare. That may be the dickiest sentence that anyone's ever said." Michelle spoke sarcastically 

"Come on, Michelle, what makes you think you can trust this Macca person?" James pointed out and Nora nodded her head. 

 "Well, he's not English for a start, so..." 

"James has a point." Nora pointed out 

"No, he doesn't!" Michelle looked almost disgusted at her friend for even suggesting that.

"What if he gives us dodgy gear?" Erin agreed with James and Nora. 

"Dodgy gear?! What is this, The Bill?!" Michelle was visibly upset at this point. 

"I cannot believe you're even discussing it." Clare looked as if she was going to have a heart attack and Nora had rested a hand on her shoulder trying to calm her. 

"Let's live a little, for fuck's sake!" Michelle tried to encourage the group. 

"I want no part of this. And if you guys do decide to go through with it, then, I'm sorry, but any friendship we have is over." Clare spoke strictly. Before anyone could respond a familiar tune began playing. 

"Holy shit" Nora mumbled her eyes growing wider with excitement. 

"IT'S ROCK THE BOAT!" Clare yelled, apparently forgetting her previous woes. "Happy fucking days!" 

The group started pushing their way through the crowd trying to get to the dance floor. Nora giggled as she slightly pushed James forward, essentially using him as a giant shield. She found herself sandwiched between Erin and James as she shared Erin's enthusiasm at completing the dance. 

"Look, Michelle, drugs are illegal, drugs are addictive, but perhaps most importantly, in this country you can lose your kneecaps if you're caught doing them." Clare continued to express her distaste to Michelle's idea, even as the group danced. "And I like my kneecaps, Michelle. They suit my knees." 

"You do have cracking kneecaps, Clare." Orla spoke up 

"Is that true?" James asked, nervous about the idea of losing his knee caps.

"Sort of." Erin told the boy only to receive an odd look from Nora 

"What do you mean Clare's kneecaps are pretty great" 

"No Nora that's not-" before Erin could finish what she was saying the dance changed up drawing her attention away from the conversation and more towards hitting the floor. 

The group continued dance until a thump was heard in front of them. The group looked in front of them to see Mary standing with a horrified look on her face and an older lady seemingly unconscious laying on the floor in front of her. 

As the group stood over the body on the floor, the music continued to play as the crowd started to become conscious of the fact that the woman had done a little bit more than just faint. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now