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Nora was the fist to wake.

She didn't last very long trying to stay awake last night, being the first to fall asleep. She carefully untangled herself from the group and made her way downstairs. The sun had just risen so and Nora was pulled in by the view. She took out her sketch book, which she had been constantly adding new designs to and began sketching a dress inspired by the landscape in front of her. 

"You're brave, wandering about down here on your own." Nora turned to see James approaching her, still in his pyjamas. 

"Well it's worth it for this beautiful view" Nora spoke looking back out at the landscape 

"Oh , I know what you mean" James spoke, though his eyes never left his girlfriend. "They look really happy." James spoke, looking down at the wedding picture the group had found the night before.

Nora came round, wrapping her arms around James waist and looking down "Yeah they do." she turned back up at him, giving him a peck on the lips. 

"Listen, Nora" James untangled himself lightly so he could face the girl properly, though he still held onto her hands. "something changed when I was standing at the end of that tunnel. Something shifted."

"What tunnel?" Nora asked, her brain still foggy from the morning, almost forgetting the events of the day before. 

"You know, yesterday. The tunnel, the light, the voice, the brush with death." James gave her a quick recap. 

"Oh, aye, sorry. Go on." 

 "What terrified me most was all the things I hadn't done and all the things I hadn't said because I'd been too scared, or...or too nervous. A-A-And..." 

Nora noticed his struggle to speak "You can tell me anything James" she spoke softly. 

James looked from her hands, back up into her eyes. "I'm in love with you Nora" 

Nora had to hold in a gasp from hearing this. The two never had a big 'I love you' moment. They had been friends long before dating and considering Nora tells her mailman that she loves him, it was not a new concept when the two became romantic. But this was the first time the phrase 'in love' had been used. 

Nora was filled with warmth. She had loved many people but she had never been in love. Not until she met James.

 "James I'm in love with  you too" she spoke with a smile. She turned away slightly trying to hide her excitement. "Oh James, I've been wanting to say that for a while, thank you so much for-"

When Nora turned back around to properly face the boy she found her was no longer at eye level. Instead he was below her. 

On one knee. 

Holding a ring up to her. 

Nora's smile faltered slightly "James what are you-" She couldn't get the words out, her brain trying to process what was going on. 

"I was thinking about what Orla said, the whole husband and wife thing." James took a deep breath "I love you Nora, so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" 

Nora stood there frozen. She couldn't think of what to say, blurting the first thing that came to her mind "Where did you get the ring from?" she asked, knowing the boy did not have the money for a wedding ring. 

"I found it around the house" he spoke, noticing the frown on the girls face. Thinking it was about the quality of the ring he quickly stumbled to defend the idea "I'll get you a real ring of course, this one is just temporary: like a symbol" He smiled up at her. 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now