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Nora dragged her feet along the sidewalk not too happy with the fact they now had to walk. What had started as a simple conversation with sister Micheal had turned into a bomb squad being called in and a good suitcase of vodka going to waste. 

The group had been walking and discussing a better plan to get to Belfast. Well all but Nora who was looking at the plants on the road next to them 

"What you doing?" Orla asked curious 

"Look at all those clovers" Nora pointed out "At least one of them has to be four-leafed" 

Aye your right" Orla nodded as she joined the girl at looking for the plant. 

"Is it just me, or is that Gypsy an absolute ride?" Michelle snapped Nora out of her hunt as she noticed they were approaching what looked like a little market. 

"Michelle! You cannot say that!" Erin scolded the girl "

 What? " 

"They're called Travellers now. You can't say Gypsy any more, it's insulting." 

"Is it?" 

"Who are they?" James asked, confused by the conversation. 

"They're just people, James, they're just people that are exactly like us." 

"Except different." Orla joined in 

"Yes. No!" Erin corrected herself 

"That's actually racist, Orla." Clare criticised the girl 

 "No, it's not. They are different." Michelle corrected 

"They're not." Erin scolded 

"They live in caravans, for a start."

"I wish I lived in a caravan." Orla spoke up 

"Me too. Caravan's are class." Michelle smiled 

"We should all live in one together" Nora suggested excited 

"Could you all stop being so racist, please?" Erin demanded 

"I'm a bit scared of them. Is that racist?" James asked 


"Shit I may be racist then" Nora let out as she looked at the group of men in fear. James took her hand in his giving it a slight squeeze. 

"How'ya, girls" One of the "traveler" asked the group. He was met with a strong of greeting from the group most notably Clare's "Good afternoon, Sir."

"Sir?" What the fuck, Clare?" Michelle whispered 

"Hey! Hold on!" The man yelled out to the group. 

 "What does he want?" Clare panicked. 

"I dunno." Erin responded equally scared. 

 "I'm talking to you!" The man continued to yell 

"Keep your heads down and keep walking." Erin instructed the group 

"Get back here!" 

"Faster, walk faster." Nora picked up the pace, nervously looking back over her shoulder to see a group of very scary men 

" Am I going to have to come after ya, am I?" 

"Jesus Christ, he's following us." James spoke the words Nora was thinking. 

"Holy fuck! Run!" 

Nora did not needed to be told twice, picking up her pace and sprinting down the road away from the group. Finally Erin turned around, taking the stick Orla was holding and pointing it towards the group of travellers. "Back off, you heard me, I'm not messing around with this thing." Erin threatened the group with the stick 

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREWhere stories live. Discover now