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"God almighty. I don't know what the world's coming to" 

Nora sat in the floor , slightly between James' legs, eyes glued to the TV completely ignoring Joes words. Her eyes were fixed on the screen watching as Robbie dance around. 

"Bloody Perverts" Joe continued. 

"The love I hold for him is much more than sexual" Nora whispered her eyes still not leaving the man.

"But is sure is a big part of it" Michelle laughed slightly kicking the girl, to which Nora turned around and started lightly hitting the girl, using James' legs as a shield. 

"You're overreacting da" Mary spoke up from the kitchen. 

"Overreacting? That lad's got no trousers on, for Christ sake" 

In hearing that Nora whipped her head round right back to tv, ignoring the "told you sos" Michelle let out as the girl tried to get a peak at the man without trousers. 

"Why do they keep touching themselves?" Joe still sat in disbelief that anyone could enjoy what he was watching on the tv 

"Because they're artists, Granda." Erin defended the band. 

"Dirty English bastards is what they are." Joe turned to James "No offence son." 

Joe finally changed the channel causing the group of teens to groan. 

Nora shifted from her spot, resting her head on James' knee and looking up at the boy. He gave her a sheepish smile and slightly ruffled her hair, causing her to close her eyes in satisfaction. She couldn't explain it but she felt more drawn to the boy recently. 

She turned slightly to her right to see Orla wiggling her eyebrows at the two. Before Nora could ask the girl what she was doing Gerry walked into the room jangling his keys. 

"Come on, girls, tome to hit the road here." He looked down at James " Have they roped you into going to then, son?" 

" Roped in? Hardly. He's riding Gary Barlow." Michelle answered for the boy. 

"I am not! I just respect him as a songwriter, that's all." James defended himself. 

 "Will we need our passports, Gerry?" Orla questioned her uncle. 

"For Belfast? I don't think so, love." 

"Are we not a wee bit early, Daddy?" Erin asked he dad, not quite ready to leave her spot on the couch. Nora nodded, very comfortable in her place on the floor 

"It's a two hour drive with traffic, love."

"But it's eight hours till the doors open." Erin frustratedly pointed out. 

"Aye, we're cutting it" 

"Belfast! Sure, why don't you just sell the wains into white slavery and be done with it?" Joe was livid. 

"Gerry'll be with them, Da." Mary tried to put her dad's worries at rest. 

"That's worse!" 

"And, finally, panic at Belfast Zoo today when a polar bear escaped from its enclosure." Nora looked to the tv, a sad look on her face hearing of the polar bear "that poor bear" she frowned thinking about how scared it must be. 

"The RUC have launched a widespread search and have warned residents in the local area to be extra vigilant."

"Now will you see sense?" Joe pointed out 

"Aye, Granda, cos an escaped polar bear's going to track us down and kill us." Erin laughed at the mere idea "As if Mammy's bothered about that." 

Nora giggled, turning to look up at Mary. In that moment her faced dropped as she noticed the concerned look on her face.

SOMETHING STUPID - JAMES MAGUIREOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant