♡Chapter Thirteen♡

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*This chapter includes a few moments of temptation*

[3] For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:

‭‭2 Corinthians 10:3 KJV‬‬


"You ready?" Eden asks Jade who stands next to him with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Jade had thankfully managed to acquire a change of clothes before following Eden down to the meeting room where the rebel leaders were gathered. She can't imagine they'd be inclined to listen to her while she was dawned in traditional Yorunese clothing, instead, she wears a comfortable pair of plain black pants and a black long-sleeved turtleneck. When Eden came to escort her downstairs, he was once again wearing the Kitsune mask which made Jade wonder if he'd somehow managed to go all this time without any of the others knowing his identity.

"It's been a while since I've had to be part of a serious meeting. Everything for the past few weeks has been Queen-related or God-related." Jade confesses more to herself than to the two guys standing next to her. Idris abruptly brushes Jade's shoulder making her arms come unfolded and intentionally frustrating her by throwing off her train of thought. Jade looks up and glares at Idris who smirks down at her irritation.

"Want me to do the talking scaredy pants?" Idris offers with an upturned nose as Jade scoffs at his display of pride. Like Jade, Idris managed to acquire a similar change of clothes, though based on the bags under his eyes she doubts he managed to get any rest and was probably busy snooping around the mansion during their separation.

"As if! You can barely get the rookies back home to listen to you, let alone rebel leaders of a different Kingdom." Jade reminds Idris who sasses back with an eyeroll. Eden watches the two of them bicker as he leans against the wall waiting for them to finish.

"Then pull yourself together, what kind of Queen is scared of public speaking?" Idris questions raising his voice a bit as Jade matches his tone despite knowing what he's doing.

"I'm not scared idiot!" Jade shouts back as Idris smiles knowingly and nods while observing Jade's loosened-up body language knowing that he'd completed his job.

"Then prove it. Go into that meeting with the elegance and dignity of Aria's future Queen and let these people know how you're going to help them." Idris closes as Jade takes a deep breath and nods before glancing at Eden who slides off the wall and hums softly but doesn't articulate the meaning of the sound.

"Well, it seems like you're ready. Good luck, Your Highness." Eden offers before pushing open the large wooden doors leading into a library much larger than the one they'd been in a few hours ago. A short distance from the door a pair of couches and love seats are arranged in the middle of the library, from where she stands Jade takes note of the table being convened around which holds a mix of papers. The dark oak-themed room is stacked to the brim with books as far as Jade can see, the shadowy pallet only adding to the edginess of the room.

Upon hearing the door open, the individuals inside jump in a manner identical to Jade's default. She takes note of several attendees with their hands hovering over their waist or pants pocket and almost cracks a smirk at their precaution. However, one girl, a spunky young, pale-skinned woman with a pixie cut, doesn't bother waiting before pulling out her knife and aiming it at Eden who puts up his hands at the hostile greeting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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