"You know what I mean"
Their mother gives a knowing look to Seokjin who sighs ,pursing his lips "I don't want to talk about it"

"But he is right there,Jin-ah.And ever since you came,his eyes haven't left you"

Seokjin feels his throat going drier and he sneaks a glance at the Beta ,his ex.It was a bad idea because Siwon immediately smirks, meeting his gaze.

"We are over,Mom.It's been years"

"And I still don't know why would you break up with him? He is your childhood friend,earns good and you were head over heels for him"

Jimin's scent sours despite his will and he stoods up ,clearing his throat "Eomma,I forgot to introduce hyung to my sister-in-law"

He pats Seokjin's shoulders,urging the latter to get up .But Seokjin's shoulders were stiff with tension as he tried his best to control his tears and anger.

"Oh ,is that it .Then go ahead.We can always have this conversation at home"

"I am leaving right after the party"
Seokjin bristles ,popping a tart in his mouth.

"Seokjin-ah,you haven't visited home since-"

"Eomma, you know how busy I am"

"I do,son.But that is why I am worried for you .Look at your brother,look how happy he is . Don't you think,you deserve to be happy too?"

Seokjin huffs,blowing a breath.He knows his parents mean good.

"I am happy with my job"

Not really

"But Jin-ah,what about your personal life ? Are you happy there too?"
Their father cuts in ,sensing the tense air "Jimin,your fiance is looking for you"

"I will see him later "
Jimin says as he starts to settle back in the chair

"You should go"
Seokjin smiles at him "It's your day.Dont leave your poor fiance in the clutches of our aunts .They will chew him alive"
He jokes , trying to lighten the mood

"Why don't you come with me ? We haven't took the pictures yet"

"Yes,yes.Siwon was also saying that he needs to leave .Take him along with you for the picture"

Seokjin sucks in a breath "Dad"

"What ? You two are still friends right?"

"Not really" Seokjin tells them honestly,expecting the gasps "Also , it's better if I don't keep any kind of relations with my ex "

"Are you planning to be single forever? Seokjin,I don't understand why you are so bitter towards him now ?"
Their father sighs, flagging for a drink

This was it.Seokjin couldn't handle it anymore.How did he suddenly went from the best son to a problematic son ?

The answer was simple .Their parents love Siwon ,they were expecting an announcement of the wedding soon.But instead,Seokjin broke up with the Beta and left for New York without a good explanation for why he did it.

In their eyes, it's Seokjin's fault.And the latter doesn't want to correct them either

"Eomma,Dad.Why are we talking about Siwon? You guys promised that you won't bring up his name-hyung"

Jimin looks down at Seokjin who chuckles ,shaking his head

"It's alright,Minie.They are just worried about me"

Their mother sighs ,"We just want the best for you.So if there's anything that can be done to restore what was broken between you two-"

"I am dating someone already"
Seokjin blurts , shocking everyone on the table

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