Mrs Grace notices that I'm the only one who didn't raise my hand. She asks me, "Stetson, you're not coming?" I shake my head and smile. "No, Mrs Grace. I have some personal reasons." She nods and says, "I understand. It's your choice. But I hope you change your mind. It's going to be a great tour." She then adds, "Class, I forgot to tell you something. Those who are not coming to the tour will have to attend school as usual. There will be regular classes and revision sessions, because the exams are coming soon. So, think carefully before you decide." I smile and think, great. I can study more effectively now. I don't mind going to school. Maybe I'll learn something new. Maybe I'll ace the exams. Maybe I'll make my mom proud.


Mia pov

I watch as Stetson doesn't raise his hand for the school tour. He's not going. He's staying here. With me. Well, not with me, but in the same school. That's something, right? Maybe this is my chance to get closer to him. Maybe he'll finally notice me. Maybe he'll even like me back. I've had a crush on him for so long, but he never seems to pay attention to me. He's always busy with his studies, or his mom, or his friends. He's so smart, and kind, and handsome. He's perfect.

I lower my hand, pretending that I'm not interested in the tour either. Kamila, who is sitting beside me, gives me a look that says I'm crazy. She says, "What the hell are you doing? Why did you put your hand down?" I gulp and say, "Umm, actually, I think it would be great to study for my exams. You know, they're coming soon. So, yeah." I let out an awkward laugh, hoping that she'll buy it. She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. She says, "Whatever suits you, then." She raises her hand again, joining the rest of the class. Mrs Grace asks me, "Now, why aren't you coming, Mia?" I laugh nervously and say, "I think it would be good to study. I'm actually lacking revision. So, yeah." Mrs Grace nods her head and writes Kamila's name on the list. She doesn't seem to care about my lame excuse.

Great, I think. This is perfect. I'll have 12 days to be alone with Stetson. Well, not alone, but in the same school. That's something, right? Maybe we'll bump into each other in the hallway. Maybe we'll sit together in the cafeteria. Maybe we'll chat in the library. Maybe we'll become friends. And if God answers my prayers, maybe we'll become more than friends. I blush at the thought and look at Kamila, who is looking at me weirdly. She probably thinks I'm insane. I clear my throat and sit straight, pretending to be interested in the chemistry sums. I hate chemistry. It's so boring and hard.

But maybe Stetson likes chemistry. Maybe he'll help me with it. Maybe he'll teach me some formulas and equations. Maybe he'll lean over my shoulder and point at my notebook. Maybe he'll touch my hand and smile at me. Maybe he'll whisper in my ear and make my heart race. Maybe he'll kiss me and make my dreams come true.

I sigh and smile, imagining the possibilities. I'm going to make this work. I'm going to win his heart. I'm going to be his girlfriend.

Or maybe I'm just delusional.


Tavish pov

I keep my hand down when Mrs Grace announces the school tour. I'm not going. I have no interest in it. My girlfriend, Veronica, is sick and she won't be able to join. She's the only person I care about in this school. She's the only one who understands me, who makes me happy, who loves me. She's my everything.

I sigh and look at Kayal, who is sitting next to me. She raises her hand eagerly, like most of the class. She's always cheerful and friendly, but I don't really know her. I don't really know anyone in this class. I don't have any friends here. Sure, I talk to them sometimes, but I don't feel any connection with them. I don't have any problems with them either, but I don't consider them as friends. Well, maybe Stetson is an exception. He's a nice guy, and he's smart. He's the only one who doesn't raise his hand and mia too , besides me. Maybe he's a friend, or something close to it. But I don't really care. He's not Veronica.

Mrs Grace writes Kayal's name on the list and then looks at me. She asks, "And why aren't you coming, Tavish?" I look at her and say, "I don't have the mood to come." She looks at me incredulously and says, "You don't have the mood? What's wrong with you? It's your last year in school and you're missing your tour?" I look at her again and say, "Yes." I don't bother to explain. She wouldn't understand. She thinks that the tour is a big deal, that it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, that it's a chance to make memories with my classmates. But I don't think so. I don't care about the tour, or the school, or the classmates. I don't care about anything but Veronica.

I'm not going to miss this place when I graduate. I'm not going to miss these people when I leave. I'm not going to miss anything but Veronica. And I'm not going to leave her. I'm going to college with her, and we're going to start a new chapter in our lives. We're going to be happy together, without anyone else. We're going to be free.

Mrs Grace says, "Fine." She sounds disappointed and annoyed. She writes another student's name on the list and moves on. I don't care what she thinks. I don't care what anyone thinks.


Manya pov :

I don't even bother to raise my hand when Mrs Grace announces the school tour. I have no desire to go. Not after what happened today. How Bellona, Kamila, Yusuf, and Kayal humiliated me. How they poured water on me and locked me in the storeroom, while recording everything on their phones. How they laughed at me and called me names. How they made me feel like dirt. If it wasn't for Austin, who came to my rescue and freed me from them, I don't know what they would have done to me. He was the only one who showed me some kindness.

I look at Hollis, my brother, who is sitting with Adrian. He raises his eyebrow at me, wondering why I'm not joining the tour. I shake my head and say, "You go. I won't come. I have to study." He shakes his head and says, "Study, study, and study. When will you ever enjoy your life?" I chuckle and think, if he knew what Bellona and her friends did to me this morning, he wouldn't want me to go either. He would want me to stay away from them. He would want me to be safe.

But I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. Bellona's father owns half of this school. He's rich and powerful. He can do whatever he wants. If I complain, no one will listen. No one will believe me. No one will help me. Not even my parents. They're too busy with their own lives. They don't care about me. They don't care about anything but money.

Mrs Grace looks at me and says, "So, you're also not coming, Manya?" I nod my head and say nothing. Bellona, who is sitting beside me, chuckles and says, "Good. We don't want you anyway. You're such a loser." I ignore her and look away. She's always been mean to me. She's always hated me. She's always made my life miserable.

Kamila, who is sitting behind me, throws a paper at me and says, "Thank God you're not coming. You would ruin the whole tour. You're such a bore." I don't react and pretend that I didn't hear her. She's always been rude to me. She's always followed Bellona. She's always joined in her pranks.

Mrs Grace writes another student's name on the list and moves on. I don't care what she thinks. I don't care what anyone thinks. I just want to be left alone. I just want to study. I just want to survive.

To be continued.....


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