Dream and Reality

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As the memory unfolded before them, each brother felt a surge of anguish and helplessness wash over them. They reached out to Halilintar, desperate to offer comfort and support, but their efforts seemed futile, their words lost in the void between reality and memory.

Feeling the weight of their own sorrow pressing down on them, the brothers drew closer together, seeking solace in each other's arms. They wrapped themselves in a tight embrace, their bodies trembling with the shared pain of witnessing their beloved brother's suffering.

In that moment of shared grief, there were no words that could adequately express the depth of their despair, no gestures that could fully convey the love and concern they felt for Halilintar. All they could do was hold each other close, offering silent comfort and support as they weathered the storm of emotions together.

As they huddled together, Gempa spoke softly, his voice thick with emotion. "Hang in there, Abang Petir" he whispered, his words a silent plea for Halilintar to find strength in their love. Hoping that the real Halilintar, the present one could hear him. Taufan nodded in agreement, his arms wrapped tightly around his siblings. "We're here for you, Petir," he murmured, his voice trembling with the weight of unspoken sorrow. "You're not alone in this."

Blaze's voice joined the chorus of reassurance, his words a gentle reminder of the bond that held them together through even the darkest of times. "We'll get through this together," he vowed, his resolve unwavering despite the tears that stained his cheeks.

Ais added his voice to the mix, his usually quiet demeanor replaced by a fierce determination to offer whatever comfort he could. "We love you, Abang Hali" he said, his words a whispered promise of unwavering support.

Duri clung to Solar, his tears mingling with his as they sought solace in each other's arms. "We won't let you face this alone," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm against the ache of their shared sorrow.

And Solar, his heart heavy with the weight of their collective grief, could only nod in silent agreement, his arms wrapped tightly around his siblings as they held each other close, united in their love for Halilintar.

Then their surroundings seemed to shimmer and fade, indicating that they were about to transition to the next memory. Each of the brothers braced themselves, their hearts heavy with anticipation for what they were about to witness. With a sense of resolve, they prepared themselves for the next chapter of Halilintar's journey, whatever it may bring.

Halilintar closes his eyes as he falls into slumber.

He opened his eyes again. He was at that place again.

In the chilling darkness of the alleyway, Halilintar's desperate pleas for help echoed off the walls, legs running fast of the devil behind him, each cry filled with a raw intensity born of sheer terror. His voice cracked with desperation as he screamed into the void, the sound reverberating against the cold, unforgiving concrete.

"Please, someone help me!" he cried, his voice ragged with fear, but there was no one to answer his call. The only response was the eerie silence of the night, broken only by the distant sound of traffic and the ominous rustle of leaves in the wind.

As the assailant closed in, a sinister grin twisting his features, Halilintar's voice trembled with desperation. "No, please! Let me go! I don't want this!" His words were choked with fear, each syllable heavy with the weight of his terror.

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