Castle Crumbling

745 36 44

Max Verstappen

Charles is still half asleep beside me, although he was definitely listening to my phone call. The phone line went dead three minutes ago and I haven't stopped staring at my screen since.

@foxNews on Twitter: An anonymous insider has stated that Max Verstappen will be investigated on "child endangerment and abandonment" charges surrounding his daughter Penelope Piquet

I don't know how long I've been staring at my phone. Who the fuck do they think they are? 

I don't even register Charles whispered "Max" before flying out of bed and across the apartment to P's room. She's fast asleep, tiny hands wrapped around her mountain of teddys and a smile on her face, even in sleep. They can't take this from me. They can't take her from me. They can't. They can't. They can't.

"Max. Look at me Max. They will not take her. They will not." 

I hadn't even realized that my words had been spoken out loud. Maybe they hadn't. Maybe Charles just knew me so well that he could read my mind.

"They can't." 

He grabs by hand gently, placing the other on the small of my back to guide me out of P's room where she remains asleep. 

"Maxie, chéri, tell me what has happened."

I don't think I can function anymore. Breathing has become impossible and the air is burning my lungs. I'm drowning. Drowning somewhere I was supposed to be safe, but instead I can't breathe. The world is spinning, Charles blinking in and out as I focus on the painting above our headboard. The three of us, Charlie P and I all in matching plaid pyjamas taken on the same night I told Charles I loved him for the first time. I can't breathe. I can't. I can't. Everything hurts, my bruised ribs making breathing to painful to even attempt composure. He did this. Everything. He's always ruining my life. Fuck him. But I can't say anything, can't tell Charles all of this because the air won't fucking work.

"Hey. Hi Maxie, it is okay."

I don't know when the cool bathroom tiles met my back. But now I'm lying on the floor, head in Charles' lap as he stares down at me with a terrified expression on his face. 

"What happened?" My voice is hoarse, cracking over every syllable as I stare into Charlie's beautiful green eyes. He makes me feel at peace. But I can still see him chewing the inside of his cheek. "It's okay. I'm okay now."

He's running one hand through my hair, the other tracing feather-light circles on my lower stomach. "Maxie... your ribs... why did you not tell me?" His voice is shaking, barely a whisper meeting my ears.

"I-" oh. I really didn't want to have to tell him. I don't want him to think of me as weak. Breakable. But I hate lying to him. It's kind of amazing how out of all the things that he could be worrying about, he chose me. But I don't even want to spare my dad a thought right now. He doesn't matter. "P. Where is she? They can't take her."

Charles lets out a little exasperated sigh, clearly annoyed that I'm once again ignoring his question. "She is fine. Still sleeping. You were only out for about twenty seconds, Daniel's going to be here soon and we can figure this out. Max we are here for you. I have you."

"You promise?"

"Yes I promise. Forever."

Charles Leclerc

I can hear Daniel fumbling around in the kitchen, mumbling about coffee and how it is "too fucking early for this shit". But I know he does not mean it. Daniel would not be at our apartment at 4am is he really thought that. He loves Max, has loved him longer than I, and would not be here if he did not. 

End Game (Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen)Where stories live. Discover now