The Best Day(s)

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Special thank you to @that13thgemini - I appreciate all the support on this fic!

Max Verstappen

*October 3, 2021*

The second half of the season it has become second nature, sneaking in and out of hotel rooms at night with to see Charles and waking up at the crack of dawn to return to my own room undetected. We haven't exactly done anything more than blow jobs and a lot of touching but it's still the best sex I've had in my entire life. 

Charles and I are barely two weeks apart with our birthdays, his being mid October and mine the last day of September, and the Singapore and Japan races getting cancelled between them was one of the greatest gifts the universe could have possibly gifted us. We're finally getting some time alone without constantly running off the races every few days or hiding away from everyone and everything. In Monaco we can just be us. 

"Nous aurons deux smoothie verts puis une danoise au chocolat, s'il vous plait." [We'll have two green smoothies and one chocolate danish please.]  "Max would you anything else?" Charles' voice is the only sound in the secluded café that he claims has the 'best pastries in Monaco'. 

"No thanks. What was the total?" I ask, stepping up to the counter and pulling my card from the back pocket of my jeans.

"I have it, do not worry. You can pay next time chéri." Charles begins to pass his card to the waitress on the other side of the counter but I quickly grab his wrist. 

"You're sure?" I drop my voice, trying to stop any nearby ears from possibly overhearing and spreading rumours. Although we are in Monaco, everybody's practically famous or rich here, or both, they don't particularly care about such mundane drama. "I like taking care of you schatje."

"Max..." Charles' voice is as quiet as mine but I can already tell I've won, he's staring at my lips with a distracted expression and I hate this stupid fucking world for making me have to stop myself from kissing him whenever I want.

"I've got it." I say, louder this time, and gently guide Charles back from the counter with a hand on his lower back. 

A few minutes later we're seated at a beautiful metal table in a private alcove of the café, carefully splitting a chocolate danish that is the most delectable thing I've ever tasted, apart from Charles of course. 

"This is- wow" I say, taking another mouthful of the buttery deliciousness that is this pastry. Charles was really not lying when he said it was the best dessert in Monaco. 

"Is my Max finally speechless?" Charles teases, gently placing a hand on my thigh under the table, away from the view of the few other patrons in the vicinity. 

"Your Max, huh?" I question, a smile playing over my lips. 

"Yes." He says simply, holding eye contact as he raises his smoothie to his lips and drinks deeply from the straw. 

I finally take it in, and I'm kind of shocked at how natural this all feels. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would be sitting in a café in Monaco with a man, much less Charles, and feeling so at home. The people passing by on the street, unable to see in the window thanks to the mirrored glass, are going about their days like normal, as if within this moment Charles and I could not shock the whole world to it's core if we revealed our relationship. We won't though, not as long as either of us race. 

"Max?" Charles offers gently, "Will you tell me please what is swimming around that beautiful head of yours?" 

There it is again. The simply perfect normalcy that has become us. 

End Game (Charles Leclerc x Max Verstappen)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora