Archer Guard's Guide to The Dragons of Pyrrhia

Start from the beginning

Fortunately, Swamp Dragons are observed to prefer spending most of their existence sleeping semi-submerged in mud pools (One can imagine their bodies are infested by worms). Keeping their snouts exposed just above the surface of the nasty water in a manner similar to alligators.

Unfortunately, similar to alligators, they are rather difficult to spot when doing this. Most of their bulk being under water, and what scales are exposed blending in with the other muck.

Also unfortunately, one of the only times these dragons bother to leave their holes are when they're hunting. They are also willing to leave the confines of their swamp to hunt for prey when pickings within it become scarce. That is when they become a threat to Safe Harbor, and our problem.

Unlike other dragon types, Swamp Dragons hunt in packs. And they're absolutely ravenous. The Swamp Dragon's insatiable hunger for flesh has spawned many a horrifying folk tale and campfire story, and no doubt countless nightmares.

The idea of being dragged screaming out of the temperate forests that surround the city into the murky depths of the death swamps to be eaten alive by a group of filthy dragons of varying size induces a hanging dread on much of Safe Harbor's populace, especially on children.

Their pack tactics are unusual among dragons, and a major danger multiplier. Swamp Dragons are slow, in multiple senses. Their extra armor and bulk makes them physically sluggish, slow to maneuver. Any physically fit individual with even basic evasion training every Archer Guard is drilled on and undertaken by many common citizens can evade and outrun lone Swamp Dragons on the ground (where it'll be if it's trying to eat you).

However, since these dragons are rarely seen alone and hunt in groups, your chances of being able to successfully stay out of their clutches are diminished severely. It is also for this reason that retaliatory kills are so rare, as flanking maneuvers are trying even for elite Adept Scout units.

On the positive side, these dragons are also slow from a mental sense as well. They habitually fall for all but the most obvious of bait traps and tactics, and they respond to changes in combat situations with great delay. They also seem to have terrible memories, with some reports of one single Swamp Dragon falling for the same booby trap multiple times within the span of a phase cycle.

As an Archer Guard, particularly a Guard Scout, your primary mission regarding these dragons are keeping various farmers, hunters, herders, and surveyors safe as they perform their vital duties to the city far outside of its limits. It is your job to dissuade Swamp dragons that leave their marsh from hunting these people through any means you have at your disposal.

As you should be aware, Common Procedure is to have patrols of Guard Scouts sweep the woods, searching for signs of recent Swamp Dragon activity. If identified, your first priority is to locate any humans in the area and evacuate them back to the city and to report the sign and approximate location to your unit Commander or Regimenter. If available, an Adept Scout unit can be dispatched to locate and hopefully ward off the danger.

But as you also should be aware, this is not always how circumstances present themselves. You are no doubt certain of the importance placed upon quick-thinking, problem-solving, and adapting to situations for Guard Scouts when the fires start burning. As a member, you will of course be trained on what to do in certain variations of the base circumstance.
(i.e. what to do when no Adept Scout units are available and you have to lead or chase the dragons away yourselves; what to do when the sign of dragon activity is the dragon itself; what to do when dragons have already begun attacking your protective charge; what to do when you must attempt to intercept a pack of Swamp Dragons dragging people back to their lair, many more.)

Most importantly, you as an Archer Guard must remember that you cannot save everyone. There is too much land to cover, too many civilians to protect, too many dragons trying to kill them, and too few of you to protect all. Always remember: Every life you save counts, even if some slip away. That is simply the lot mankind has lived with for all remembered history. It is not your fault if some people can never come home, so long as you do your job to the best of your ability. That is all any of us can do.

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