II - Sea Monsters?

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>Somewhere in the Kingdom of the Sea_

Cuttlefish, Oyster, and Clam quickly swam through the darkening water. Making their way back to the enclave to tell the others what they had found, and wanting to know if anyone could make sense of what they had discovered. If anyone had ever seen anything like it; and what, if anything, the creature's were up to.

It was an added bonus that the way back to the enclave was the exact opposite direction the pod of creatures were moving in, in the three dragonet's opinions.

["What were those things!?"] Clam frantically signaled for the fifth time.

["They were HUGE! What were they doing here? Where are they going? Why has nobody said anything about giant pods of huge whale-things that only swim on the surface!?"]

["How would we know!?"] Oyster retorted, ["That's why we are going to ask the adults if they know what those things are!"]

["You'd think that they would warn us about any ginormous whale-things lurking around before-talon! Those things are probably dangerous!"]

["I don't think those were whales..."] Cuttlefish interjected. ["They didn't look or move much like whales do."]

["Well, what else grows that big!?"] Clam flashed.

["I've never heard of a whale that grows that big, either."] Cuttlefish countered.

Oyster's jaws suddenly hinged open, as if she gasped, and she froze in place. ["What if they were Sea Monsters??"]

Clam and Cuttlefish now frozen too, Clam's light blue scales looking decidedly more pale, his eyes boggled like a squid's. ["Sea Monsters?"]

Cuttlefish was a little more skeptical, and calm; ["Sea Monsters?"]

["Yeah!"] She flashed, visibly excited. ["Other than being big like a whale, they didn't really look or move like one."]

That's what I said... Cuttlefish thought, but he kept that to himself. He wanted to see where she was going with this.

["What- what do you mean?"] Clam asked, his apparent fear not at all placated.

["You're the one who suggested they were sea monsters first, Clam, so I don't know why you're freaking out so much. Anyway, it didn't have a tail fin, or any big fins, for that matter. But it did have that trail of bubbles behind it, which reminds me of this thing that, what's the word? Cephalopods? Yeah that's it, use to move around. They squirt water out of tubes at speed to move around. Kinda like Cuttlefish, actually."]

Giant cephalopods? That actually does kind of sound like real sea monsters from story scrolls... Cuttlefish thought, now feeling pretty nervous himself. The maybe intentional rib going over his head.

Clam had clearly come to a similar conclusion judging by the look on his face, and shot off at full speed towards the enclave. Oyster and Cuttlefish promptly followed suit.

That is, until they came across something that made them all stop in their swirls.

Another one...

Another of the creatures, (sea monsters?) Was before them. Just barely visible in the slowly diminishing Ocean light.

This one, however, was swimming underwater.

It was smaller than the other creatures, but still much larger than any of the three Seawing dragonets. It was much sleeker than the other creatures, and several other differences that could be seen. Apart from the fact that it was swimming underwater.

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