Armadylan saved the day

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Armadylan and the Power Heroes stood outside the Gloopster, free from the Gloop same with Gloop the Third, angered with frustration at the failure of his plan.

Gekko:Feels good to be free.Gekko remarked, stretching his arms and legs.

Newton Star:I agree and And we'll make sure this machine stays safely locked up in Power Q, where Gloop the Third won't try adding anymore shady modifications to it.Newton assured, patting the machine they had retrieved.

An Yu:I have to say, that was a very clever plan you had there, Armadylan.An Yu remarked, placing her hand on his arm

Bastet:It was, even though I didn't enjoy bouncing around like a ball of yarn.Bastet interjted, playfully crossing her arms and turning her head away with a grin..

Lilyfay:I liked that part.Lilyfay quipped, floating above Bastet, grinning mischievously.

Ice Cub:And the fact that you dodged all that Gloop without your powers, that was really awesome!Ice Cub praised, placing his hand on Armadylan's shoulder.

Armadylan:Well, what can I say, I was just doing my job, being a hero, ARMADYLAN STYLE!!!Armadylan declared, strikeing his signature pose, making everyone laugh.

Gloop the Third:You Power Heroes just keep laughing because soon I'm going to take over the world!Gloop the Third declared.

Owlette:*sighs*Can you just not invade our planet, instead of fighting us, consider us as allies?Owlette implored, extending her hand out towards Gloop the Third.

Gloop the Third:Ha, as if I'd ever join forces with you, I will never stop until Earth is under my control!Gloop the Third scoffed, swatting away Owlette's hand.

Gloop the Third:Redemption is for the weak, I will never change my ways, never be swayed by your heroics actions!Gloop the Third declared dramatically, as he retreated back into the Gloopster.

Gloop the Third:Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever!Gloop the Third rambled on, leaving perplexed expressions on the Power Heroes' faces.

Armadylan sighed, getting tired of Gloop the Third's rambling, walking over to the Gloopster,  using his super strength to pick the Gloopster up, and hurled it back into space.

Gekko:I'm sure Gloop the Third being redeemed will never happen.Gekko remarked sarcastically, glancing at the readers who are reading this.

Bastet:At least that takes care of that pesky alien.

Armadylan:Yeah, and guys, I'm sorry for storming out like that and not telling you about all this...Armadylan admitted.

Catboy:It's fine, we get it, and we're sorry too.Catboy reassured, placing a hand on Armadylan's shoulder.

Owlette:Yeah, we promise not to exclude you from our missions anymore.

Gekko:Nor call you Classic Armadylan, because what you just did back there proves that you aren't Classic Armadylan anymore.

Catboy:And it also proves that you have what it takes to be a true Power Hero.Catboy added, Armadylan's eyes started to weld up with emotion.

Armadylan:I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!Armadylan exclaimed, sweeping the Pj Masks up into a tight hug, squeezing them tightly. too..buddy...Gekko said, struggling to breathe.

Ice Cub:GROUP HUG!!!Ice Cub exclaimed, and the rest of the Power Heroes joined in the group hug.

All the Power Heroes hugged each other close for a brief moment, as they pulled apart, as Armadylan released the Pj Masks from his grasp as they started to catch their breath.

Owlette:So, does this mean you're coming back to the team now?

Armadylan:Heck yeah, I'm back!Armadylan declared, as the Power Heroes erupted into cheers.

Gekko:Since you've finished your mission, you wanna do the honors?Gekko suggested, as Armadylan understood exactly what Gekko meant and nodded with excitement.



Armadylan:ARMADYLAN STYLE!!!Armadylan exclaimed, making his signature pose again.

Armadylan's eyes began to flicker, and he collapsed to the ground, completely exhausted, causing the other Power Heroes to chuckle.

Gekko:Come on, buddy, let's go.Gekko  said, as he lifted up Armadylan, and the Power Heroes walked away.

Armadylan:*yawns*Me a Power Hero.Armadylan mumbled in his sleep.

Owlette:*whispered*You sure are.Owlette replied, walking nearby, smiling as she patted him on the head.

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