unusual Gloop

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It was daytime, the PJ Masks strolled toward the sports hall,

Connor:Let's race to see who can get to the sport hall first.

Greg:I'm in.

Amaya:Me two.

Connor:Okay in 3...2-

Amaya:Wait look.Amaya directed their attention to a paper taped to the wall.

Greg:What's that?Greg inquired.

Amaya took the paper off the wall and started to read it.

Amaya:It's a note from Armadylan, he says he needs to meet with us at Power Q tonight, he found something really unusual he wants to show us.

Greg:What could this unusual thing be?

Amaya:Let's see what Armadylan has to show us, PJ MASKS POWER HEROES WE'RE ON OUR WAY!!!


The Power Heroes gathered at Power Q, Armadylan walked in Power Q, just arrived.

Gekko:Hey Armadylan, so you said you have something unusual to show us?

Armadylan:Yeah, it might freak you all out, but bear with me.Armadylan responded, The Power Heroes, curious, leaned in.

Armadylan:Last night, someone shot me with something, I couldn't see who it was, but they shot this stuff at me.Armadylan, displayed the pinkish goopy substance.

Armadylan:So, whoever it was can't be good, which means we might be dealing with a new villain.Armadylan said, concerned.

Lilyfay:Nope, that's just yucky Gloop.Lilyfay chimed in, observing the Gloop, floating upside down.


Newton Star:Yeah, that's Gloop from our villain called Gloop the Third.Newton Star clarified.

Armadylan:Gloop the Third?

Gekko:Yeah, he's a villain who wants to Gloop our whole planet with that stuff.Gekko elaborated, Pj Robot displayed  footage of Gloop the Third, on the Picture Player.

Armadylan:Oh, you guys already know about this....Armadylan said, disappointed, in a sad tone.

Owlette:Don't worry, Armadylan, you did good, it just gives us a warning that Gloop the Third might be attacking.

Gekko:Yeah, thanks for telling us, though, buddy, we can always count on you.

Catboy:Yep, classic Armadylan.Catboy added, which made Armadylan, who gently clenched his fist..

Owlette:Well, I'm taking the Owl-Glider to search for Gloop the Third.

Gekko:I'm coming with you, just in case if we get Glooped.

Armadylan:And I'm coming too, I can be your backup.Armadylan offered, raising his hand.

Owlette:Oh, are you sure, Armadylan, Gloop the Third might be a little much, can you handle it, you'll probably hate it if you get Glooped by them.

Armadylan:I can handle getting Glooped, I mean, it sounds less bad than getting Sticky Splated by Night Ninja.Armadylan added, Owlette still feeling unsure.

Armadylan:Please.Armadylan plea, giving her the armadillo eyes.

Owlette:*sighs*Fine, let's go.Owlette agrred, as her and Gekko got up from their seats, they and Armadylan started to leave.


Owlette, Gekko and Armadylan:OWLETTE, GEKKO, AND ARMADYLAN, GO SAVE THE DAY!!!they slid down and hopped into the Owl-Glider, flying down to earth.

As they arrived on earth, they started to fly around the city, on the lookout for Gloop the Third.

Armadylan:Can't wait to see what this Gloop the Third is all about, hopefully, this mission will be easy.

Gekko:As long as you don't get Glooped.Gekko reminded him, Suddenly, they started to hear an eerie alien cackling.

Owlette:I hear something, and it's coming from the park.Owlette turned the Owl-Glider towards the park, where it's coming from.

they got to the park, Owlette landed the Owl-Glider, they hopped out and followed the sound of the cackling.

When they arrived, they saw The Gloopster on the ground, along with the Gloopets causing havoc, utilizing their Gloop Launchers to gloop everything on site, with their face looking crazy as normal.

Armadylan:That's Gloop the Third?Armadylan questioned.

Gekko:Nope, those three are his henchmen, the Gloopets.

the Gloopster's hatch door creaked open, revealing Gloop the Third, Owlette, Gekko, and Armadylan quickly hid themselves in a nearby bush.

Gloop the Third:Gloopets, what are you doing!?Gloop the Third asked sternly, the Gloopets stopped immediately, hid their Gloop Launchers behind their backs.

Gloop the Third:You guys were supposed to repair the ship, not start Glooping things, especially without my permission!Gloop the Third scolding the Gloopets.

Armadylan:So that's Gloop the Third.Armadylan unintentionally spoke out loud, Gekko quickly covered his mouth.

Gloop the Third:Who said that!?Gloop the Third  questioned, hearing him.

Owlette, Gekko, and Armadylan crouched low, putting their heads down, Owlette signaled that they should come out on the count of three, a plan both Gekko and Armadylan understood.

Owlette began counting slowly, fingers raised, but they were disturbed by the sound of Gloop being fired right where they hid.

Gloop the Third:I know you're here, PJ Masks Power Heroes, come out, or my Gloopets and I will Gloop the park!Gloop the Third declared, the Gloopets, fueled by excitement, began shooting Gloop all over the place.

The Three knew they were caught, Owlette and Gekko frantically tried to devise a new plan, until Armadylan, leaped out of the bush and confronted Gloop the Third head-on.

Armadylan:You guys ain't gonna be Glooping anything on our watch!Armadylan asserted.

Gloop the Third:What the Gloop is that, some kind of armored creature?Gloop the Third questioned.

Armadylan:I'm an armadillo, and my name is Armadylan, I'm a Power Hero!Armadylan declared, striking a heroic pose.

Gloop the Third:Ugh, Like we need another one of these Power Heroes, Gloopets, Gloop him!!Gloop the Third commanded, the Gloopets aimed their Gloop Launchers at Armadylan, firing Gloop towards him.

As the Gloop closed in on Armadylan, uncertainty crossed his face.

Owlette and Gekko:Armadylan!

Armadylan risingWhere stories live. Discover now