Armadylan vs Gloop the Third round 2

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Armadylan was wandering around the city, being referred to as "classic Armadylan" to the Power Heroes, started to haunt him, feeling incompetent as a hero.

Armadylan:The moment I come back and become a hero again, everybody just treats me like the same old "screw everything up Armadylan".Armadylan mumbled to himself.

Armadylan:I wish there was some way I can prove to them that I've changed, I'm not the same old Armadylan who messes everything up, but how am I gonna do that?Armadylan wondered.

Gloop the Third:Hey, Armadylan!Gloop the Third called out from right behind.

Armadylan turned and saw Gloop the Third and his Gloopets preparing their Gloop Launchers.

Armadylan:You again.Armadylan responded, annoyed, not in the mood to deal with Gloop the Third.

Gloop the Third:Yep, it's me again, I didn't like how you defeated me, nobody defeats Gloop the Third!Gloop the Third declared.

Armadylan:Look, Gloop the Third, I'm not really in the right mindset to fight you, can we just not do this now?Armadylan said, casually.

Gloop the Third:Oh, so you think just because you're all down in the dumps, you have the right to talk your way out of this, huh!?Gloop the Third retorted, angrily.

Armadylan:Look, I'm not in the mood, okay, it's best for you to just go and be someone else's problem.Armadylan suggested, making Gloop the Third angry.

Gloop the Third:I've had it, Gloopets, fire!Gloop the Third ordered, and the Gloopets unleashed a barrage of Gloops at Armadylan.

Armadylan:Hey, stop that!Armadylan called out, dodging the ongoing barrage of Gloops.

The Gloopets continued their attack, further fueling Armadylan with anger.

Armadylan:Okay I had it, THUNDER THUMP!!!Armadylan exclaimed, as he punched the ground, making the ground quake, causing Gloop the Third and the Gloopets to drop to the ground.

Armadylan:Enough is enough.Armadylan delcared, as he walked toward Gloop the Third and his Gloopets, snatched the Gloopets' Gloop Launchers, crushing it with no hesitation with his hand, effortlessly using his super strength.

Gloop the Third:My Gloopets's Gloop Launcher!Gloop the Third exclaimed, while one of the Gloopets looked sadden.

Gloop the Third:The Power Heroes haven't been able to defeat me that quickly in mere seconds or anyone, for that matter, this Power Hero is too powerful, even for us...Gloop the Third stammered, panicked.

Armadylan:Really, I mean, are you done now?Armadylan inquired, almost getting off topic.

Gloop the Third:No, but me and my Gloopets are gonna be retreating for now, but I swear I will come back tomorrow night and will take you and those other Power Heroes down, no matter what!Gloop The Third declared, as he and his Gloopets hastily ran away.

Once Gloop the Third and his Gloopets were gone, Armadylan pondering to himself about what Gloop the Third said about him being powerful than the other Power Heroes, to be able to take him down in a few seconds.

Armadylan:Huh, was I really that powerful to be able to make this villain admit it?Armadylan questioned, staring at his own hands.

Armadylan: I guess I do have something to prove that I've actually changed, since, he said the Pj Masks and the other Power Heroes haven't been able to defeat him that fast before.Armadylan remarked, a small smile forming on his face, realizing he might  be a true hero after all.

Armadylan:But wait, did he say he was going to be back tomorrow night?He slowly started to realize.

Armadylan:I can't let the Power Heroes know, or they might try to handle this themselves, not listening to me and possibly leaving me out because I'm "classic Armadylan".Armadylan asserted, gazing into the night sky, clenching his fist.

Armadylan:I have to take care of this villain myself, Armadylan style.Armadylan declared, in a serious tone, as he curled into a ball and rolled away.

When Armadylan rolled away, unaware that Gloop the Third and his Gloopets were spying on him, lurking from the corner of a building, eavesdropping on him.

Gloop the Third:Looks like my plan is working, Gloopets, we're going back to Planet Gloop, we have a few modifications to prepare for an upcoming plan.Gloop the Third annouced, a sinister smile playing on his face.

Armadylan risingUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum