going solo

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It was daytime and Greg and Newton were walking out the library with their books they checked out.

Newton:What books did you get, Greg?Newton asked.

Greg:I picked up some Slither Boy comics, you know, for me and Ivan, what about you?

Newton Star:Oh, just some books about the mysteries of space, asteroids, etc.Newton responded.

As they continued walking, Greg suddenly got trapped in something sticky.

Greg:Newton, I can't move my foot.Greg called out, as he couldn't move his foot.

Newton glanced down and discovered Gloop, clinging to Greg's shoe.

Newton:It's because you stepped in Gloop.Newton stated, setting he quickly set his books down and rushed to help, attempting to free Greg.

Newton successfully pulled Greg out of the Gloop, but Greg's shoe remained trapped in the Gloop.

Greg:My favorite shoe...Greg said, depressed.

Newton:I guess Gloop the Third isn't done.

Greg:Weird, I thought we already took care of him last night, wait a minute.Greg paused, noticing similar footprints on the ground.

Greg:Armadylan?Greg questioned, running his fingers over the footprints.

Newton:Whatever happened here, we should go and ask Armadylan.



The Power Heroes all gathered at Power Q

Catboy:Alright, Power Heroes, it looks like we have a couple of villains up to something tonight.Catboy announced, as the Picture Player, displayed images of the villains, who are active tonight.

Gekko:Is Gloop the Third there?Gekko asked.

Catboy:Hmm, no, why do you ask?

Gekko:Because we spotted Gloop today, and he took my favorite shoe, also, Armadylan, we saw your footprints, can you explain that?Gekko turned to Armadylan, who began to sweat nervously.

Armadylan:Um, I was just practicing my hero walk, you know, I stumbled upon the Gloop that mysteriously appeared on the floor for some reason.Armadylan said, attempting to make up a good excuse, as the other Power Heroes looked at him with confusion.

An Yu:Hero walk?An Yu questioned.

Armadylan:Yeah, you know, since you're a hero, you gotta practice your walk so you can...look out for danger afoot.Armadylan attempted, flashing a nervous smile.

Ice Cub:Okay then?...Ice Cub responded, confused.

Catboy:I guess that's not completely out of the ordinary for you.

Armadylan:Yeah...wait, what does that suppose to mean-

Catboy:Anyways, I'm going to take on Romeo in the Flying Factory, Lilyfay, you're coming with me, might need your Starlight Zing.Catboy strategized.

Lilyfay:SUPER GALACTIC ZING!!!Lilyfay exclaimed with excitement.

Bastet:I'm heading to the museum to stop Night Ninja.

Ice Cub:I'll come too for backup.

An Yu:I'm going to Mystery Mountain to take care of the Wolfies.

Owlette:I'll come with you.

Newton Star:I guess that leaves me and Gekko to go and stop the Speedy Twins.Newton turned to Gekko, who seemed distracted, suspiciously eyeing Armadylan.

Newton Star:Gekko?

Gekko:Huh, oh yeah, I guess.Gekko snapped out of it.

Armadylan:Then I guess that leaves me with nothing.Armadylan muttered, feeling kinda down.

Owlette:Oh well, you can come with me and An Yu to Mystery Mountain.Owlette offered.

Armadylan: I'm fine, you guys go without me, I'll just stay here and do nothing.Armadylan declined, giving a fake smile and thumbs up, which made Owlette and Gekko sensed that something was wrong.

Owlette:Okay then.she replied, unsure.

The Power Heroes:PJ MASKS POWER HEROES WE'RE ON OUR WAY, EVERYONE GO SAVE THE DAY!!!as everyone went down the slide and left Power Q, leaving Armadylan alone, Gekko hesitated, looking back at Armadylan, then went down the slide.

When all the Power Heroes had left, Armadylan dropped the fake smile, crossed his arms, and sighed feeling depressed.

Armadylan:I knew they would leave me out.Armadylan mumbled, underneath his breath, as Pj Robot turned around, overhearing him.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(What was that?)?Pj Robot asked.

Armadylan:Oh nothing.Armadylan dismissed, fake smiling again.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Okay, well, if you excuse me, I need to grab a mop to clean the floors, will you keep an eye on the Picture Player to see if any more villains are going to be attacking or if something else happens?)?Pj Robot asked.

Armadylan:Oh, um, sure.Armadylan replied, nodding, as Pj Robot left.

Armadylan took a seat and started watching the Picture Player, with a depressed look on his face, as he observed the other Power Heroes engaging in their missions without him.

Armadylan:*sighs* Looks like everyone is doing fine without me being "classic Armadylan" and messing things up.Armadylan mumbled to himself.

As Armadylan continued looking through the Picture Player, his eyes widened when he finally spotted Gloop the Third in the Gloopster, causing chaos and Glooping everything in sight.

Armadylan:Gloop the Third!Armadylan exclaimed, shooting up from his seat.

Armadylan:I need to stop him.Armadylan declared, gazing down to the table, then gazing back to the slide where the Power Heroes had departed.

Armadylan:I need to go solo, Armadylan style!Armadylan decided, sprinting towards the slide.

Armadylan:I'm on my way, only Armadylan, go save the day!Armadylan shouted, as he slid down the slide and hopped into the Pj Explorider, taking off, flying down to earth and soon in the city.

Pj Robot came back with the mopped and bucket.

Pj Robot:*beeps*(Armadylan, I'm back...)...Pj Robot paused, noticing Armadylan was gone.

Pj Robot:*beeps**sighs*(Classic Armadylan...)...Pj Robot muttered.

Armadylan risingWhere stories live. Discover now