Chapter 6: Could This Get Any Worse?

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Y/n felt themself begin to come out of the blackness of pain induced sleep and the shakiness of the outside world seemed to settle.

"Splints?" They heard vaguely, muffed from a metal wall of some kind, as they started to come to. Shortly after the shaking around them stops, they hear the hiss of machinery as their Donnie Pod slid open.

"Y/n!" A concerned voice shouted. They blinked their eyes open as they felt someone catch them, and sit them on the couch. They looked to their right to see Donnie knelt down beside them, his battle shell opening to reveal the mechanical spider arms holding a disinfectant spray and bandages. He glanced at Y/n, who nodded, to which he began wiping the blood on their arm away with a cloth.

"This is terrible! Why did we leave?" Casey fumed, throwing his hands up in the air and pacing. Y/n hissed quietly as Donnie sprayed the disinfectant, Donnie's eyes flickered up to their face before returning to the wound.

"In case you didn't notice, we were getting our butts kicked!" Mikey exclaims, jumping onto Casey.

"A tactical retreat was necessary Casey." F/Y/n put a metal hand on Casey's shoulder, gently pulling Mikey off of him.

 Y/n winced from a pinching sensation coming from their arm wound, turning their attention to Donnie who was working on wrapping their arm with the bandages.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Donnie asked, raising his hand in their line of view holding up two fingers. His brows furrowed in a mixture of concern and concentration, wanting to make sure Y/n didn't have a concussion from passing out in their escape pod.

"Are you serious?" Y/n muttered sarcastically, raising an eyebrow at him. Earning an eye roll from Donnie.

"Yes, I'm serious." He grumbled, his grip on the bandages tightening slightly, seemingly annoyed.

"Two." Y/n answered softly, understanding he was probably too stressed and overwhelmed to put up with them being sarcastic right now. 

They both turned their attention back to the others as Raph's escape pod came into the lair. But when the pod opened, it was Leo who stumbled out of the pod. Donnie and Y/n both stood up immediately knowing something was very wrong.

"What happened?"

"Where's my other pod?-"

"Where's Raph?"

"I mean- Where's Raph?"

Leo focuses on Casey, blinded by rage he lunges at Casey, but Donnie and Mikey grab him before he can get to him.

"Did you know this would happen?! Why didn't you tell me!?" Leo shouted, his fist clenched.

"What are you talking about?" Casey stammered, frowning as his eyes darted to the others then back to the furious Leo in front of him. F/Y/n stepped forward, putting themself in between Leo and Casey, casting a sharp glare down at Leo.

"Easy! Leo, what's going on? Where's Raph?" Mikey questioned, concerned for his brother.

"Leo, what happened to Raph?" Donnie said.

"Leo.." Y/n took a shaky step towards him, a hand reaching out to him.

"Leonardo?" Splinter inquired gently.

Leo stood in place, looking down shakily, not meeting anyone's eyes. Donnie and Mikey let him go, Leo's arms dropping to his side.

"They... they got him." His voice trembled slightly as he spoke.

"You left Raph?" April said quietly, they all stood, shocked, by this information.

"He left himself!" Leo cried, tears pricking his eyes, "He used his Pod to save me, all because I went after this stupid thing!" He shoved the Key into Casey's chest.

"You got it! Nice." Casey said, amazed that he managed to get it. F/Y/n winced quietly, knowing that was not a good choice of words for this moment.

"'Nice'? They captured Raph!" He shouted, then he looked at Casey and F/Y/n his eyes widening in realization, "They're from the future! They knew this would happen!" He said, stepping towards them angrily. 

"No, we didn't." F/Y/n insisted, shaking their head, "This isn't at all how this happened in the past."

"Which means we've already changed the past! And you got the Key! That means there's still a chance to stop them!" Casey continued.

"No, we have to save Raph. Come on." Leo commands, pushing though them to start walking to the garage.

"Leo, wait." Donnie said hesitantly.

"If you won't come, I'll go myself." Leo states, he tries to swing his swords in an attempt to activate this mystic energy, but it doesn't respond, instead blue and red light shutters around him and his swords causing him to grunt in pain. 

"Leo.." Y/n says softly, placing a hand on his arm, pursing their lips, seriously concerned. He gave them a sideways glance, and for a moment a flicker of concern crossed his face after his eyes landed on their bandaged arm.

"We've lost our mystic powers." Donnie argued.

"We don't have a plan!" Mikey joined in.  Leo brushed away Y/n's touch, gritting his teeth, as all that frustration came back.  

 "Shouldn't we talk about this before we run off all half-cocked, willy-nilly, pell-mell?"

"I agree, it wouldn't be wise to go into this with no plan, you have no idea what you're up against." F/Y/n spoke up.

"Look, I keep being told I'm doing this hero thing wrong. But I got the Key, didn't I? I get results, so now we're doing it my way." Leo snapped.

"My son, listen to your team. This is not about you." Splinter advised gently.

"They made it about me when they took my brother! Trust me, I got this. Donnie, you're driving." He said sternly, motioning for everyone to follow as he walked away. Y/n follows quickly behind him, Donnie and Mikey following them after one last concerned glance towards the others.

"What do we do with this?" April says motioning towards the Key in Casey's hands.

Casey stared down at it, "We can't just bring it with us, but we can't just leave it behind." April takes the Key from Casey's hands.

"Then we should destroy it," she says seriously, brows furrowing slightly, "Splints and I will stay here and take care of business."

"I will stay and help you both." F/Y/n states, nodding to April.

"Wha-" Casey begins.

"It's for the best, plus, I'm the one here with the most experience with the Krang." F/Y/n states before Casey can say anything else.

Casey closes his mouth and nods slowly, he looks to April who offers him a small smile.

"Thanks, Commander O'Neil." He says, then jogs off to catch up with the others.

"'Commander'? I like the sound of that." F/Y/n chuckles fondly at her response to the title.

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