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Amity got ready for school the next morning with a skip in her step. She'd never been happier to go to school, only because she knew that once it was over she'd get to see her new friend. 

She quickly got dressed and ate toast, she couldn't stop smiling. It got to the point her cheeks just hurt, but she didn't care. She got to see Luz in a few hours after all. And she was going to make sure they both enjoyed their time. She had booked movie tickets for the newest Azura movie. Amity already had her 'hang-out' outfit set up, it laid on her desk chair.

Her phone pinged and she ran over to see it.

are you ready yet? I thought we could walk to classes together :p

She grinned as she typed back an enthusiast 'yes!'. Amity quickly took her bag, put her shoes on and she was out the door, knocking on Luz's dorm.

"Morning." Luz smiled, opening the door. She wore the same rugby-type jacket she wore when they were out, but this time she wore it with beige-coloured wide-legged pants and a grey shirt.

Amity smiled back sheepishly. "Good morning." Something about Luz bothered her though. "Oh, wow. No beanie?"

Luz chuckled, shaking her head then running her hand through her hair, frowning slightly. "Nah, decided to try something new for a change.. don't know how I feel about it though." She shrugged.

"You look good without it.. keep it off." Amity said, leaving Luz's dorm and watching her lock the door. "How are you feeling about exams? The ones coming up."

"Huh.." Luz groaned. "Fan-fucking-tastic. I'm not prepared at all, don't know what half of that shit is about.. I haven't properly studied in atleast a month." She chuckled, getting her phone out and texting someone.

"A month?.." Amity sighed. "I study every night for atleast half an hour. It's really good for you and it'll help you get better grades which means-" she snatched Luz's phone from her hand. "-Better job."

Luz playfully rolled her eyes, taking her phone back and shoving it in her bag. "I already have a job, you know this."

Amity snickered. "Well, duh. But it's a cafe. Surely it can't pay well enough to set you for life? what about your 'hopes and dreams'? Ever had one?"

She shrugged. "I get enough snails to keep me alive. My only real hope in life was to get to see my dad one more time." Luz smiled, but it didn't seem to reach her eyes. "But I guess no money could buy that, huh?" Her eyes widened when she saw Amity's expression. "Uh.. what about you, Blight? What's your hope or dream?"

"To get as far away from my parents as possible.. to start a family, actually find true love, buy my own house." Amity thought. "But, I'm only 18. I guess maybe I'm still too young."

Luz shook her head. "Too young? Not at all. I once had a friend who moved out at 17 to live in her own house with her boyfriend. They got married recently. They're both 20. I wouldn't say there's such thing as 'too young' when it comes to love. Sure, maybe when you're like a fucking new born or whatever.. but our age definitely isn't too young." She tilted her head back then looked at Amity who had an odd expression on her face.

"I know.. I'm just worried, I mean- I've never really been in love.. I haven't had a boyfriend, or a girlfriend that I actually loved. To be fair the only time I dated someone was when my parents forced me to. Other than that I haven't found 'the one' yet, or whatever that's called." She sighed, shrugging.

Luz gently elbowed her. "Don't stress. Neither have I."

Amity looked up at her. "You're kidding. Literally almost every girl and guy are at your feet. There's no way you've never been in love!"

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