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Jack hadn't said a word to me since before Levi scolded him for fucking with me. I was hoping this wouldn't make things awkward because I had to be stuck with him for quite a while.

Once we finished gathering all of our pictures of colored items for the scavenger hunt, we headed back toward the heart of camp. I stayed quiet most of the time because when men were upset it made me nervous.

It was around lunchtime and we were told to eat in the mess hall before changing into swimming attire to go to the river near by.

They had always given us a few days during the summer to swim in the river that ran through the camp. It was calm and didn't have a strong current so it was perfect for swimming.

I was beyond excited once I heard that we could go to the river, because it was one of my favorite activities at this summer camp.

Some of my most cherished memories happened at that river.

I remember when I was 13, I had a crush on this one boy whose name I can't recall now. I spent the whole summer gushing over him and trying to get his attention. Once we went to the river, I thought he'd have to notice me. Especially because of the cute new bikini my mom bought me which I begged her to buy. She didn't think I was old enough to show that much skin, but I persuaded her by saying "all the girls my age wear these" and it worked.

I remember that swimsuit more than the boy I wanted to show it off to. It was bright blue and was a basic triangle top with bikini bottoms that had ties on the side.

Long story short, the boy didn't pay attention to me and was more enticed by the girls that had more to fill out their swimsuits. I've never had much to show off and I don't think I ever will. I'm pretty slim and straight. It's something I've been consistently insecure about my whole life.

This memory popped into my head when I pulled out a different swim suit of the same shade of blue from my bag. It was a bright blue bandeau top with simple matching bottoms and the color looked good on my skin tone.

Seeing the same shade of blue as the bikini from 3 years ago seemed to jog my memory of that summer. It was the summer where my insecurities increasingly progressed.

I shoved the thought in my back of my mind as I snatched the swimsuit and made my way to the cabin bathroom to change.

It fit snugly on my body and I didn't spend long analyzing it before I left the bathroom. I threw a pair of Levi's shorts over the bikini and a large white T-shirt.

All of the boys had already changed and made their way out to get lunch when I arrived at the cabin. I purposefully lingered behind them so I could have this time alone in the cabin to change and appreciate some quiet time.

I threw my slightly wavy hair into a low bun before sliding on some flip flops and grabbing a towel. I left the cabin and walked toward the mess hall, leaving my phone behind.

Entering the building cooled me down instantly as the AC was blasting and it was hot as shit outside.

I grabbed some food and found Isabelle sitting at a table with a boy and another girl.

I sat next to her and looked between the new people I didn't recognize.

The boy was red headed with messy curly hair and tons of freckles dusted all over his pale skin, along with a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. I wasn't super attracted to redheads, but he was pretty cute. When he looked at me he stopped his conversation with Isabelle and smiled at me. He had perfect teeth and his smile was adorable.

"Hey." He put all of his attention on me, "my name's Theodore, but you can call me Theo."

He stuck his hand out across the table for me to shake. I took it and shook his hand politely.

Cabin thirteen Where stories live. Discover now