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"I'm here to check in to cabin thirteen." I said sweetly to the lady checking people in.

Every year since I could remember I've spent my summer at this camp. It's sort of been a tradition ever since I was little and I never wanted to stop. Although I was sixteen this year, I still decided to go. Most teenagers my age probably wouldn't want to spend their summer surrounded by bugs, sticky kids, and the hot sun but I can't escape this camp.

It's stuck in my mind all year round.

It's like I don't really begin living until the summer time when I first step into Camp Meyers.

Next year I would be old enough to be a camp counselor and I planned on it. But this year, this year was my last year as a camper, it was bittersweet.

"Name?" The lady looked at her paper squinting her eyes.

"Kennedy Evans."

"Ah, yes. Here we go." She pointed at her paper.

I waited as she skimmed the paper.

"Everyone from that cabin has already checked in so you can go right ahead and you'll meet them all there ." She smiled and I thanked her as I made my way through the camp.

I knew the camp grounds like the back of my hand and didn't need a map even though she had offered it to me. Cabin 13 was a little bit of a walk away from the main grounds but I didn't mind. I did mind, however, having to carry my three bags there by myself. But I guess it's my fault for packing so much.

Each cabin had a washer and dryer but I still wanted to avoid doing laundry as much as I could, so I packed a lot of clothes.

It wasn't a particularly hot day so the walk was leisurely. I approached the cabin and heard the hum of music but couldn't make out the song.

I stepped up the steps onto the deck by the cabin and groaned at my limp noodle arms. I should've packed lighter. I walked towards the cabin door and swung it open, with my three bags in hand and my jaw dropped.


The song "Wet Dreamz" by J. Cole was blaring through the cabin as a boy danced in the middle of the room. Another belted his heart out a couple feet beside the other one. A third on one of the bunk beds giggling. Lastly, a fourth, taller than the others, leaned up against a wall.

The one dancing had his shirt off and was spinning it in the air while singing the words, "I ain't ever did this before, no."

The one singing sang those words too but didn't dance.

The boy leaning against the wall had his head turned so I hadn't seen his face but he seemed amused with the show. I stayed with my jaw on the floor as these boys put on a show like there was no tomorrow.

The one sitting on the bed looked to me and chirped up, "uh guys."

They all looked at him before looking at me. Their faces went blank and I continued to stare blankly.

"What's up, pretty thang." The one who was previously dancing smirked at me and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"This is cabin thirteen, right?" I questioned knowing damn well it was because it was once my cabin a couple years back.

The guy leaned up against the wall pushed off of it and looked at me, "yeah this is, can I help-"

He stopped mid sentence and got a better look at me.

We realized at the same time.

Oh no.

"Little Evans!" He exclaimed throwing his hands up as he approached me. All the boys had puzzled faces as the tall man brought me into a hug and messed up my hair with his hand.

Cabin thirteen Where stories live. Discover now