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I stabbed my fork at the salad in front of me as Isabelle chatted on.

Thank fuck we got to choose where we sat at meals and didn't have to sit with our cabin. I would stab myself in the eyes with this fork.

She was talking about this boy from back home and what happened right before summer.

"We dated for like 3 months before I found out he was talking to other girls the whole time! So I broke up with him like 2 weeks ago and cried for a second but I'm better now."

I laughed, "that's good, Belle."

She nodded, "I wasn't going to let him ruin my summer so I got over it quickly."

She was an it-girl. I didn't know how else to sum her up with one word. She was perfect. She was pretty, funny, caring, bubbly, and an awesome friend. She's everything anyone could ever want in a girl, friend or girlfriend.

I wasn't surprised she had a boyfriend story to share because she was pretty enough to have 20 boys at her feet at once. She had long blonde hair, green eyes, freckles, and tan skin. She had that tall model like body and boys fawned over her. She was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.

"What about you? Do you have a boyfriend? A crush?"

"Ha! No."

"Oh come on! You're always like this. Not even a boy you've seen that's cute?"

"Nuh uh."

She rolled her eyes in annoyance, "what about that one guy, the one who kept looking at you earlier?"


"I think he's a counselor. You were sitting with him." She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh, Levi?"

"If you say that's his name then yes." She smiled.

I scrunched up my nose at the thought, "no thanks."


"He's Dylan's best friend."

"Oh. So? No harm in a brother's best friend."

I snorted at her comment.

"Speaking of, why were you sitting with him and all those boys."

I forgot to tell her.

"Oh. Right. So it turns out I was put in a cabin with all boys by accident, and I can't switch because all the cabins are full."

"Shut up!" She slapped my arm with her mouth hanging open.

I giggled.

"This is going to be the coolest summer ever." She squealed, "at least for you."

"Yeah, right. They're all weird."

"But you're going to sleeping in the same room as 4 boys! That's gotta count for something."

"Count for what!?"

She shrugged, "they may be weird but they're cute. Especially Levi." She poked my side with a smile.

"Stop it!" I shoved her shoulder playfully.

"I'm just saying, if I was in your position I'd be taking my chance to hop on their dick."

"Their dick? Like all 4 of them?" I laughed obnoxiously.

She bursted out laughing too before shrugging, "guess so."

I shook my head, "even if I did like him I couldn't do anything, campers and counselors can't have relationships."

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