Vacation Turned Into a Tournament

Start from the beginning

"Don't mind if I do then!" said Kushida as she took out a beach chair and placed it down.

Yamauchi and Ike were paying attention to Kushida with such discipline that if they were to be as focused in class, we'd be in class A in no time.

Horikita would be a fan of standing, but not near Ike, Yamauchi nor Sudou, she positioned herself to the left of me, so she wouldn't be in the middle of me and Kushida's beach chair.

Ike and Yamauchi were huddling up in the background as Kushida would start a conversation about nothing important.

Ike would approach Kushida's chair, with Ike being nervous and stiff.


"Yes, where did you go earlier Ike-kun?"

"I was near the pool area, but anyway K-kushida-chan, we've been classmates for 3 months."

"Yes, I've been blessed to be a part of such a wonderful class." said Kushida as she giggled and flashed her teeth.

"S-so, can I call you K-kikyou-chan?"

What would be the reply of the angel of class D?

"I'm not afraid that's not fair, Ike-kun."

"Sure, It was a bad idea anyway-"

"If I can call you by your first name as well, then it would be a better deal, no?"

Ike would hold his head and start fake crying or wait, those are actual tears?

"So let's get along from now on, Kanji-kun."

"Yes, let's get along well, Kikyou-chan!" said Ike as he bumped his fist in the air, forever saving this moment somewhere in his memory, so he can recount his youth.

Ike would go straight to Yamauchi after this and Yamauchi was looking like he was making excuses to not go through with the bet they made in secret.

The group wouldn't stick together for long, as Horikita at some point just walked off and Kushida said she had to go, rest would soon flock.

The sun would begin to set and in the distance an island would have appeared from the horizon.

A melodic tune would start playing from the speakers and then an announcement would be made:

"Attention all aboard, we'll be arriving by nightfall to the destination, I repeat..."

The island seemed highly developed from a distance, with a lot of different buildings and skyscrapers, but the ship would need to reach closer for me to give a better description.

Until then, I'll head to my room to get the necessities ready, most importantly my Pokémon.

~Pokémon of the Elite~

"Everyone gather around and go to your respective homeroom teacher, we'll be counting the students before disembarking." said Mashima-sensei through a megaphone.

We weren't told to get into gym clothes prior, rather our usual uniforms.

There was a mix of reactions from the people in my class, some wanted to stay and enjoy the luxury of this ship, but some were just as excited for what would be outside the ship.

"Alright, one class will disembark at a time, starting with Class A and ending with Class D." Mashima-sensei ended the announcement.

"Hahahaha, makes sense, everyone else needs to show the way for the defects." said a Class C green-haired student.

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