Cherry Wine

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Fennix bid me a good evening on the second floor and went to his room next door. I looked briefly across the hall to Aleksander's room, positioned between mine and Fennix's. I needed to check in to see if my laundry had come in.

A sick feeling started to brew in my stomach. I hate feeling like a child, and depending on someone for my needs did just that.

Aleksander's words rang in my head earlier today.

These are your belongings...

I steadied myself, walked to the door, and knocked. Without much of a wait, the door opened to Aleksander dressed down. He was without his white turtleneck sweater but was in a simple white, long-sleeved shirt that was loose about his body. He was still wearing more comfortable dark pants rather than his khaki slacks.

He towered over me as he stood at his door. He crossed one arm across his chest, lifting his free hand to his face. Fingers gently tapping his lips with curiosity.

"You're back," His eyebrows raised in surprise.

"I wasn't going to stay out the whole night, and I still have reading to get done." I let a sly smile slip onto my face.

He gave a gentle nod of approval and dropped his hand from his face. He turned from the door and gestured for me to come in.

On the coffee table was a neat, white box with the logo of the university launderer on the top.

"How was your date?" He closed the door behind me. I looked back at him; his purple eyebrows were arched with the question.

"I'm not sure if it would have been considered a date. But seeing more of the town was nice," I shrugged. Aleksander moved with purposeful, long steps toward the coffee table.

He hummed in response and handed me the package. "I believe everything is here."

"Thank you again," I tucked the white garment under my arm.

"Also, Amalie," Aleksander took a pause. His lips were pursed as a debate played on his usually cool face. "Keep the shirt if you would like."

"Isn't it your brother's?" I asked.

"He won't miss it, I assure you." Aleksander started to herd me to the door; as he reached for the knob, his eyes looked over me a little more, less of an analysis and more as admiration.

"Plus, it looks better on you than it ever did him," His voice was low, sultry even. His body arched towards me slightly, and his garnet-colored eyes hooded as he spoke.

He was beautiful. The smell of fresh vanilla wafted off him. With him leaning towards me like this, I couldn't help but study him. His skin was like masterfully carved marble. His bottom lip was slightly fuller than his top. His eyes were shaped like almonds as he watched over me.

Like a flash, he stood up straight and collected himself, clearing his throat.

A flush ran through me, and my body tensed like a spring. "I... I will be in the common room downstairs if you need me," My voice cracked a little as I spoke. I refused to make eye contact with him.

"Very well," Aleksander said after a moment.

I gave him a brief smile and left his room.

My heart was beating out of my chest. The way he looked at me kept replying in my mind. I swallowed around the lump in my throat.

I walked back into my room, set down the box of clothing, and gathered up the textbooks that I needed to go through. The one that felt like it weighed the heaviest in my hands was the Introduction to Potions textbook... It wasn't any larger than the others, but everything about Aleksander popped into my head when I touched it. His smell, garnet eyes, and how he told me I looked in the shirt he gave me.

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