Walk With Me

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The alarm was harsh and metallic. As I bolted upright, my arm swept out towards the sound, and I accidentally swept the alarm from the nightstand.

I looked at the small round well alarm clock on the ground, which read the time as seven in the morning. I shot out of bed and started to get ready for class; I would have to leave soon if I wanted to eat first.

I hustled through a shower and dressed in the clothes that Cynthia had put together for me. It was a simple outfit - a grey undershirt with a purple bodice vest and dark trousers. It was simple and smart. Grateful that the boots I had with me had dried to a wearable level, I slipped them on and threw on the jacket I had from last night.

One last glance in the mirror, and I was good to go. My sunflower yellow waves were neat and dusted my shoulders. My eyes didn't look as puffy as they did last night. I looked as put together as I could after last night's mishap.

I tracked my way down the hallway and the stairs, but before I could get far on the first floor, I heard a rustling in the kitchen.

My curiosity piqued, I rounded the doorway next to the stairs and saw a slew of ingredients on the island. I kept hearing metal rustling from under this island.

"Where is it.... where is it?" A woman's voice asked as the clanging continued.

"Hello?" I asked, and the clanging stopped.

Rising from behind the island. She was tall and plump, her skin reminded me of coffee with a splash of cream, and her hair was done in a rainbow of mini braids.

"Ope! Who might you be?" A sweet smile bloomed, and her dark eyes twinkled.

"I'm Amalie; I'm in the emergency dorm," I introduced briefly.

The woman rounded the corner and extended a hand to me. "Nice to meet you! People call me Nymph. Sorry I didn't help you personally last night, but you were in good hands with Fennix."

"It's okay;  I'm just glad something was arranged quickly." I smiled.

"I am going to talk to the Dean of Student Housing today and figure out what we can do for you; from what I heard from Fennix - your room was in pretty bad shape..." Nymph said, returning to the mess of ingredients on the counter.

"Want breakfast?" She asked.

"I don't want to be a bother," I said, then right on cue, my stomach growled.

"Not at all; it's just as much work to make food for two as it is for one!" She ducked back under the counter.

I looked at the ornate kitchen clock and sighed in relief I had time. I walked back over to the stool I had occupied the night before, set my book bag down at the foot, and sat.

"Anything I can do to help?" I asked.

"No!" Her voice said, "FOUND IT!" she yelled with glee.

She popped back up above the island with a black cast iron pan.

She started to cook eggs and bacon, chatting briefly.

"I heard you're here on scholarship. Which one?" She asked as she used a fork to flip a piece of bacon.

"The Returner Scholarship."

"Oh, so you're not a traditional first-year?" She asked.

"No, I'm twenty-four," I smiled nervously.

"Oh, that's not too bad; that's still younger than most of us in this house," She giggled as she plated some bacon and eggs for me.

"Really?" I asked.

Of Night and DayМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя