First Day of First Year

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The first day of school is always terrifying. New people, new expectations, new routines. It always seemed so overwhelming to me. This was more extreme, though; this was a new town far from what I have known in Barick.

I was glad to be away, but something in me ached for familiarity as I walked along the grey bricked paths through lush green lawns to my first class. The building I approached almost seemed church like, large pillars welcomed students like arms to a covered entry way that was adorned with double doors. The building stretched to the sky with a steeple like face that had a large clock that could be seen from across the campus. The slanted roof was shingled in deep green.

I found myself standing in front of the building, staring at the clock as it ticked. Reading 8:45 in the morning. My heart was in my chest as I stood planted in the walkway. People moved around me as they wandered into the building. some reading papers, some walking confidently. Not a single familiar face walked by, but I didn't expect one. It was a lonely thought, to be the only one from Barick at the Grimsbane University.

"Standing here like a tree is not only going to get in the way of everyone around you, but yourself as well. Best get moving." A voice spoke, it was deep and proper. Like the tongue was trained to speak each word with respect of the syllables.

A man then passed me. He was tall with deep, huckleberry colored hair that brushed his waist. He had a leather messenger bag had his hip. He moved with grace and purpose towards the building.

I gulped and the hair on the base of my neck stood on end. He was right, I was only getting in my own way standing here.

I took in a breath of the chilly morning air and walked forward. I pushed against the large ornate door's bass handle; a sense of excitement started to wash through me.

The door didn't budge, and my stomach dropped.

"It's a pull!" A small-framed girl popped next to me, she smiled sweetly and waited for my response.

"Thank you," I laughed nervously and pulled the door to me, it moved with ease despite how heavy it looked.

I stepped into the building and was again filled with nervousness as I looked at the tile floors and the twin staircases that lead up to landings on the second and third floors. The back of the building had large windows that looked out to trees and blue sky as a matching set of ornate doors were at the opposite side of the building.

"Do you know where you are going?" The same girl at the door had joined me at the foyer and was watching me.

"I'm sorry, I don't have the slightest clue..." my voice trembled a little.

"What class are you looking for?" She asked, her voice was gentle as she spoke with me. I turned to really look at her, she was small with a platinum bob that flared outwards at the ends. She wore heavy eyeliner, a black top with black pants and a matching jacket. When she smiled, I noticed her canine teeth looked a bit sharper than I expected.

Turning my attention away, I dug a piece of paper out of my pocket and looked at my notes for the classes of the day.

"I am looking for Intro to Potions, with Professor Kayden." I read off.

She squeaked and jumped up and down on her toes with excitement. "I'm actually headed there myself! Come with me!"

She lead me past the stairways and into a hallway tucked passed the left one.

"I'm Fiona by the way," She turned her attention back to me and her grey eyes squinted in a smile that showed her fangy teeth again.

"I'm Amalie," I smiled back.

"Are you a first year?" She asked as we approached a green door that matched the shingles outside. She held it open for me so I could enter.

"Yes," I nodded. The classroom was set up like a stadium, the desks were mounted like walls rising to the back. Students had filed in and took up some of the spaces farther, but the ones closer to the front remained free.

"First day of first year? Oof, that can be overwhelming." Fiona was casual and welcoming in her tone, she stood next to me as I looked around the class.

I started to walk towards the desks at the front of the room and I could see a glimmer off distaste in Fiona's smile as she followed.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" She asked as she filed in behind me, "First day is always lonely,"

I agreed and she took the seat next to me. We talked for a few minutes as we waited for the class to start, people filed in and more and more seats filled up, but not many at the front of the room.

I had always preferred the front, there were less distractions than further seats. In this room, it seemed as if the students avoided them.

"Why is no one sitting up front?" I asked.

"It has to do with the teacher's assistant," Fiona mumbled and another person walked into the room.

I recognized him from before.

He was tall and slender, with the long, dusty, purple hair. He strode into the room with confidence, walking to the desk to put down the messenger bag. He wore a white shirt with a dark blue suit vest and black slacks. As I looked to at his profile as he passed me, he had a slightly hooked nose that supported his gold framed glasses.

When he placed his bag down, he turned to the board, he held his hand to the board as he walked down it, right to left. In his wake, the class information appeared.

"Pretentious," Fiona muttered as she rested her chin on her hand.

"Welcome class, this is Introduction to Potions," He walked to a podium at the front of the room. He shuffled through a few papers and looked up to the room. His voice was strong as he spoke to the room. The frames of his glasses gleamed under the light orbs; from my perch I could see deep red eyes scanning.

"I am your teaching assistant, Aleksander Orpheus. Professor Kayden will not be joining us this morning due to a cold, so I have been asked to start the class in his stead." He announced to the room.

He then focused an intense, interested look in our direction.

"Fiona Krass, I am glad to see you front and center for a change." A purple eyebrow raised.

Fiona shot a sarcastic smile in his direction. " I just missed your warm and fuzzy nature," she said.

"Hmm..." He hummed and turned his attention back to the papers in front of him. He started the day with taking attendance and moved into introducing the syllabus, passing out papers that had been carefully produced, I assumed by the on-campus printing press that had been promoted by university staff during orientation.

Throughout the class, Aleksandr was fairly monotone and authoritative as he spoke. He spoke on the importance of staying on top of the course work as the term continues, gave an overview of the projects we will cover, and the overall outcome of the class.

Once the hour of his monologuing was completed, most of the class scurried out. I had some time before my next class, so I took my time to gather my things. Fiona was anxiously shifting her weight from foot to foot waiting.

"You don't have to wait on me," I smiled.

"Do you know where you are going next?" Fiona asked as she took a step back.

"I know it is in the training complex," I said as I slung my bag onto my back.

"Okay, that isn't too far, meet me at the Student Union Building and we will do lunch together." Fiona smiled and waved as she walked off.

"Glad to see you didn't get in your own way, tree." Aleksander spoke, his voice commanding the room despite it being just us.

I stiffened at his acknowledgment of me. I turned to look at him as he was replacing his messenger bag on his shoulder. His burgundy eyes moved over me as I watched him in turn.

"Don't be late for your next class," He said, walking out of the room as people started to funnel in. As he exited, people cleared a wide path for him like fish avoiding a shark.

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