Emergency Move

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The rest of the day went well, and it was nice to be back in my dorm room.

The room was small with wooden floors. There was a single bed in the corner, a wardrobe, a bookshelf, a desk, and some other storage. The walls were white, and along the far wall, there were some exposed pipes that were also painted white to blend into the room. There wasn't much to the rooms, particularly the scholarship rooms, but this was mine.

I placed the bag on the desk and changed my clothes to get ready for dinner with Fiona. Giddiness ran through me. I didn't think I would have a potential friend until much later in the year, but this was hopeful.

As I moved about the room, I noticed a small puddle of water on the bookshelf. I looked up to see that one of the pipes was dripping steadily.

"That can't be good..." I muttered. I found a cup that I had packed with me and placed it under the drip, hoping it would be enough until I could talk with the floor assistant about what to do next. I didn't want to try to repair it magically; that would be a bandage at best.

I pursed my lips as I watched the drops hit the bottom of the cup with a steady thunk.

After leaving and locking the room, I walked back to the Student Union Building. This time, it seemed that I was first, so like Fiona, I sat on the cold iron bench and waited.

It wasn't long until I heard a voice, but it was definitely not Fiona's.


I looked off to my side to see a the tall, muscular, wolf shifter from this afternoon stopped next to me.

"Hi?" I smiled nervously.

"I saw you this afternoon, but I don't think I have seen you around here before," he said, a broad smile across his lips, his arms crossed against his chest, and his wolf-like ears in attention.

Now, he was wearing a black sleeveless shirt like before and light-colored trousers. His long brown hair was still pulled into a ponytail with bangs framing his face. His human-like ears were pierced up the sides, and he had swirling tattoos up his arms and around his neck. His gold eyes were kind.

"I'm not surprised... I'm a first-year," I continued with my nervous smile.

"I thought that may have been the case; I wouldn't have forgotten a face like yours." He gave a wink, "Well, 'first-year'," He outstretched a large hand to me, "I'm Fennix Caddel, you got a name?"

I took his hand, which nearly swallowed mine, and he gave it a firm squeeze while he waited for my answer.

"Amalie Brightmoor," I smiled back at him, he shook my hand firmly.

"Well, if you need anything Amalie, feel free to hunt me down. I am one of the student council members and I like to help where I can." His smile squinted at his eyes.

"Amalie!" I heard Fiona's voice now; I looked around Fennix and saw her small frame waving as she approached us.

"I see you know, Fi! It looks like you're in good hands!" Fennix rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Fiona come up. She was roughly half his height and half as wide as him.

"It was only a matter of time until you two met," Fiona chuckled, "Fennix is a bit of a social butterfly,"

"I will let you two get back to what you are doing, and I will see you around?" Fennix pointed to me with the question.

"Yeah, absolutely," I nodded, and he waved as he walked away.

"Careful, he's a flirt," Fiona said, lowering her voice and returning her attention to me.

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