The final part.

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The next few days felt like a dream, Lando and I hung out a lot. But we didn't anounce it to the public yet. Oscar came over so we thought it would be a good moment to say it to him.

"Oscarrr we want to tell you something.." I said to him when he sat down.

"Are you pregnant?" He said jokingly but somehow serious.

"No no no" I laughed "We are in a relationship!" I said nervously.

"Nice!" He giggled.  "Kinda expected it already". Lando and I chuckled. Such an Oscar reaction.

"Have you guys made it public yet?" He asked us.

"No not yet" Lando anwsered.

"Lando?" I said.

"Yes Jade?" 

"So when are we going to make it public?" I said shyly.

"Do you want to make it public?" He said.

"Yeah, im ready." "I really dont care about the hate anymore."

"How do you want to anounce it?" He asked me.

"I dont want to make it a big thing, mabye we could like post a picture and just caption it like "My love" or something" 

"Lets do it" We picked out pictures from the date night in bahrain, He captioned it "Mon amour" And I captioned it "My love".

The posts blew up inmediatly. Lando, Oscar and I kept giggeling about the comments, even the hate ones. This moment felt so special to me. The comments where mostly very nice and made my day. When Lan and I where looking on twitter to see what people said I got a call from Kika.

"AAAA HEY GIRL" Kika said exited.

"HEYYY im geussing you saw the post?"


"Thank you so much!" 

"Does Oscar know yet?" She asked me.

"Yes he does" 

"Wanna celebrate and go for drinks? She asked exited.

"Ofcourse I do!"

"So bring Lando, Oscar, Abbi and JJ and I will bring Pierre" 

"Lets do it!"

She sent me the time and locaton later.


"Kiek invited us to celebrate and get some drinks, you guys have to come!" I said while walking into my bedroom. 

"Alright!" They yelled. I picked out my outfit and showered while Lando and Oscar had some things to do. When I finished putting my make up on they came back. 

"We have to go in 10 minutes so freshen up" I said to them when they were walking in.

"I am ready!" Lando said.

"You are not wearing that" I said whilst pointing to his mclaren tee, "Go get changed!"

They both got changed and then we headed to the bar. When we walked in we saw Kika and Pierre sitting with alot of drinks.

"First round on us" Pierre said while pointing to the drinks on the table. Right when we sat down Abs and JJ walked in.

"GIRLL CONGRATS" Abbi said while running towards me. She hugged me so thightly and started jumping up and down. We all started chatting and having a good time. 

"Second round on me!" I said while standing up. 

I got us all drinks and ofcourse a shot.

"Lets raise a glass to Lan and I, and this amazing night ofcourse!" I said. We all raised the shots and drunk it. It actually didn't taste so bad. There was no one in the bar exept us. The music suddently got louder. Lando and I ecpecially had already drunk a quite a bit. Lando grabbed my hand and pulled me to the middle of the bar. There we were dancing in the middle of a empty bar, not having a care in the world.  The song was done and the next song was "Something stupid"By Frank sinatra. "No way!" I said to Lando.

 He knew it was my favorite song. I saw Lando give a wink to the barman who was the person playing the music. I gave him a little kiss. We started dancing slowly. With my arms around his neck and his arms around my waist. It truely felt like a fairytale, so romantic. I was enjoying every second of it,. He spun me around and then pulled me closer. His hands still wrapped around my waist. He slowly kissed me. It felt like we were the only one in the world, like we were conected. I heard our friends cheer, well mostly Kika and Abbi. I deeply looked into Lando's eyes. Oh how I love this boy.



This feels so crazy to write the final chapter!

I am so starstruk about the love and support this story got! I genuilely didn't expect you guys to love it so much! I cant explain it but just know that you guys have made me so happy. If you have any feedback or just something to say I would love to hear how i can improve or that you've liked the story! And dont be sad it ended, just wait...


The way you love II Formula oneWhere stories live. Discover now