The fancy restaurant

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I noticed that i fell alseep quickly but i kept waking up because i was nervous for Oscar, at around 5:30 i decided to go and get a coffee because it would be better than laying wide awake in my bed.

I put on some joggers, put my hair in a ponytail and went outside. I used google maps to find the closest coffee shop and walked towards it. But when i was about 5 minutes into my walk i saw an familiar face. "Oscar!!!" I say while running towards him.

"Why the fuck are you already awake?" Oscar said laughing. 

"I wish i knew" I say while hugging him,He didn't need to know that I am nervous for him, he had enough pressure already.

"Why are you here?" I ask him. 

"I notices that i was quite nervous for today so i wanted to put my mind somewhere else and explore a little" "And you?"

"I just went to grab a coffee, you coming too?" We walked through the city which luckily was very quiet. 

"I think that is it" I say while pointing toward an cafe in front of us. The cafe was very modern but cozy and there only was one person working there. It was a girl who i think was about 15/16 and very shy. 

She walked towards us with a smile but when she saw Oscar her jaw dropped. 

"What would you guys like to drink?" i noticed that her notepad was shaking very much while she was writing our order. 

Oscar and I were talking about the practice later today and how he felt about it when she came with her tray and our orders on top of it shaking very bad, but when she arrived at our table it slipped of her hand and splashed all over Oscar and I.

"I am so so so sorry" She says while trying to clean it with a paper towel, as she looks up I noticed that she had tears in her eyes. 

"Its alright, here imma help you" Oscar said while getting some napkins from behind the menu. He started helping her as I brought the tray back to the counter.

"I cant tell you guys how much i apreciate it, let me atleast make it again for free"

"It happens to everyone hun" I say while giving her a back pat.

we got our coffee's and they were absolutely delecious, and we went to the counter to pay. The coffee's were 8 dollars in total.

"no no no dont pay" She said while refusing Oscars hand with a bill of 10 in it.

"Please let us pay" Oscar said. "No, i will not." "Have a great day!" She said while making a gesture that we should leave.

As we where leaving Oscar put and 20 dollar bill on the counter and walked away. We both went to our own hotelrooms to change. I layed down on my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up after about 45 minutes and hoped into the shower. Then i put on my make up and an outfit. When i was done it was about 9:30 and I went to Abbi and JJ's room. We went to the hotels buffet and got some breakfast. Then we walked around exploring the city for like 3 hours and ofcourse took photo's for Abbi to post.

Then we went to an restaurant and got lunch, it was so amazing. I dont know why but all the food here taste amazing.

Later on we walked back to our hotel and took a swim in the pool. While JJ and Abbi were sunbathing i went back to my room to get ready for tonight.

I put on the dress that he gave me and put on a red lipstick. I walked towards the elevator at about 7:20. When i walked out i saw an mclaren at the front. I walked towards the gorgeous car and saw Lando standing there. 

I saw a sneaky smile appear on his face as soon he saw my dress. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and opened the door for me. 

"wow im, speechless." "You look so gorgeous" He said while looking me straight into my eyes.

When we pulled up i noticed that it indeed was a very fancy restaurant.

We sat down in the corner of the restaurant, and a waitress inmediatly came over to our table

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We sat down in the corner of the restaurant, and a waitress inmediatly came over to our table.

"Good evening." "Im Selma, your waitress for tonight, what would you like to drink?'

"Lets get the champane, to celebrate the start of the 2023 season and ofcourse tonight."

"So how did practice go?" 

"Yeah i was 8th and Oscar 12th but we expect better tomorrow."

"Alrightt thats not baddd" i say.

Everytime that im not talking or if I am looking around i feel Lando's eyes looking at me but in a good way. We toasted our drinks and it was so amazing. 

"If the season is going to be as good as this champane, it will be promising" Lan said giggeling

"Absolutely" I say while being mesmorised by the champane.

The food was also so amazing, it was one of the best meals i have ever had.

We decided to go to my hotel because it was closer. When we step into the elevator his hand started to rest on my butt and he was slightly sqeeuzing it. I opened the door to my room and felt his hands on my hips.

He pulled me in and kissed me hard, i tried to pull back to breath a second but he pulled me in even harder. I felt his hand reach for the zipper but i didn't stop him. In fact i started to unbutton his blouse. He pushed me onto the bed and took pants off. He feels so good i cant even explain it. I cant help but moan loudly.

He puts his hand over my mouth and wispers in my ear "shhh we dont want the neighbours to hear us, dont we?"

 I shake my head, he crawls over me and wisperd "good girl" He gave me the shivers. 

After we both fell asleep in my bed.

The way you love II Formula oneWhere stories live. Discover now