The party

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When I woke up I heard the sound of birds chirping, I love to hear that because it reminds me of my childhood. I rolled over to see that it was 11:00 AM. I heard Lando groan next to me. "Good morning my love" He said while stretching. "Good morning" I said and I gave him a kiss on his forehead. I got up and went to the kitchen to cook us a good breakfast. I grabbed the eggs and bacon and put them into the pan. Lando came and hugged me from behind, with his hands around my waist and his head on my shoulder.

"Lan I have a party from people I met this week at work, but I dont know them that well and im scared that its going to be awkard. Can you please come with me?" "Ofcourse my love" he said as he kept on hugging me.

I had to reach for the plates but with Lando around my waist it was very hard.

"Ur not making it easy for me" I say to him jokingly. "Can you please let go?" But he refused. I decided to tickle him and eventually got him to let go. We ate breakfast and then Lan had to go to do some testing or something.

Abbi came to mine at 1pm. We tried some tiktok dances but quickly came to the conclusion that we sucked and just gossiped for abit. "You wont geuss what happened" Abbi said while grabbing chips out of the cabinet. "So I was scrolling trough JJ's dm's because I was curious and he said that I was aloud to, and found a message from the same Maddie that tried to steal Lando!"

"Oh my! And what did she say?" I was so curious but mad at the same time.

"She said: Heyy you looked so good last night, black is deffo your color, it makes your gogeous blue eyes pop even more;)" "EVEN WITH THE WINK EMOIJ AND ALL" Abbi yelled.


"And when was this?!?!" I asked Abbi.

"The morning after we all went out and SHE made out with LANDO."

"im speechless, what did JJ respond?"

"Weren't you all over Lando? And also I couldn't say the same about what you were wearing"

I bursted out laughing. "As he should". Abbi went home at 5. I was getting ready when Lando came into the room with a beautiful dress in his hands. Wow this man has taste!

"Babe it gorgeous!" I gave hm a quick kiss and layed it out on my bed

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"Babe it gorgeous!" I gave hm a quick kiss and layed it out on my bed. "But its not complete without earings" He said while giving me the most beautiful diamond earings I have ever seen. I felt my eyes tear up, and I gave him a big hug.

I straightened my hair, put on my makeup and put the dress on.

"Are you ready to see?" I asked Lando.

"Im ready" I walk out and see his eyes light up.

"You look gorgeous" He wispered to me as he hugged me. I chose a black blouse for him to wear. At about 9:30 we arrived at the party. There was alot of people and I heard people wisper as me and Lan walked in. Brooke and Vik inmediatly ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Girl you look so good its unbelievable!" Brooke said. "Is that Lando Norris that you took with you?!" Vik said in shock. "Yep" I say while smiling awkardly. I saw Matteo and Mick also walk towards me. Matteo dapped me up and I expected Mick to do the same but he went in for a hug. I hugged him back but he didn't let go. I could smell he had drunken a few already. Thats when I felt his hand go down towards my butt. I felt Lando's hand grab me by my arm and pulling me away.

"Lan its fine, im sure it wasn't on purpose" I could see the anger behind his eyes. "I'll let it slide, but if he does anything else im going to kill him" I had never seen Lando so protective and it kinda shocked me. Lando decided not to drink tonight so that he could drive home tonight so i got a drink and talked with Lando for a bit. Then Vik took my hand and dragged me into the middle to dance. We danced to the song "Maneater" And had a very good time. Then Brooke and Vik wanted to do some shots with me. We did 3 and then went back to dance. Vik was making out with some random guy when I felt hands wrap around me. I assumed it was Lando so I kept on dancing but he didn't smell Like him. Thats when I locked eyes with Lando from across the room. Who is this then? I look back to see Mick standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Please let me go" I said to him but he pulled me even closer. Now his hand is squeezing my ass. "Let me go!" I said to him but he replied "No" . He grabbed my face and leaned in to kiss me. I tried to back up but he used all his force to keep me there, Thats when I saw somebody punch him in his face. It was Lando. He was standing over Mick who was now on the ground. He punched him again and then grabbed him by his collar. "If you ever touch my girl again i will kill you" He said and threw him on the ground again. He grabbed my arm and said "Lets go" I quickly apologised to Brooke and Vik and then got into the car.

The whole car ride home he didn't say a word. I could still see the anger in his eyes. It was kind of scary to see. We chanced into our pj's and got in bed.He still hadn't said a word. He hugged me tightly. It felt like he needed it. "I love you" He said to me and then fell asleep with me still in his arms.

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