nothing much

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I wake up with Lando's arms wrapped around me lke im a teddybear. It gave me such a warm and safe feeling. I stay in bed for a while when i hear stoft grunting, he squishes me even harder. 

"Goodmorning Lan" I say while getting more comfortable. "good morning." he says with a soft smile.

i got into the shower and then made us a simple breakfast. after Lando sadly had to go to the gym i went over to Abbi's. Im so lucky shes my neighbor. I knock on her door, no responds, i ring her bell, no responds.

Then i started to think, Yesterday she went out with JJ so she must be at his.

"text me when you get home, i need to tell you stuff" I text Abs.

I went to my apartment and i just layed on my sofa under a blanket. I fell asleep for about an hour but i got woken up by my phone buzzing. It must be Abbi. But when i looked it was Charles. My heart sunk to my stomache.

"Im sorry about how things went down yesterday, can you come over tonight so we can talk things out?'

Im not ready to see him yet, Im scared that i am going to break down.

"Sorry i can't tonight, is tomorrow fine?"

i text him, i dont have plans for tonight but i just want to relax for a while.

"Jayyyy sorry im not coming home today:( wanna go for a coffee tomorrow?" Abbi sent.

Its now 8pm and i haven't done anything, but i dont feel guilty about it, i feel so less stressed.

i haven't checked social media and im not planning to do so. I decided to invite Oscar over.

When he walked in he gave me a hug and layed down next to me.

"have you checked twitter?' Oscar asked me.

"wel, i did yesterday but i haven't today, im scared"

'oh yeah it kinda cooled off so you didn't miss much, but whats going on with you and Lando?"

"nothing much, he just asked me to be his extra."

i mean im not lying, eventhough it feels like it. We just spend the whole time on our phones in silence, but it wasn't boring, he is always such good company that even when you sit in silence it is still fun.

At about 11:30 Oscar went home because he ofcourse wanted to sleep in his own bed.


i have been very bussy with school:( 

but i am happy to be back ( if i keep posting much haha)

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