Nicknames And Wilbur

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(Punz Pov)(I am trying to do other povs then just Dream's and Grian's) ( Dreamie is Dreams nickname by Punz it is just for fun I don't ship them they are only besties and i have my beloved dreambur)

We're heading to spawn since Dreamie decided to play another game I still don't know what we're playing but who cares it will be good since my bestie thought that it will be good... Wait who is that black haired boy i have never seen him before?.. He is with Dreamie and his brother now I wonder who he is...

Hey Dreeeeam! Over here...

"Oh hey Punzie what did you need?"

I just wanted to know who he is... I said while looking at the boy...

"Oh him he is Taurtis my husband..."

So Dreamie isn't the only married alive person in your family.

"Wait Dreamie?.. and how do you- oh right we told everyone at the truth or dare didn't we..."

Well I knew even before the truth or dare right Dreamie?..

"Punz stop Wil's coming you'll make him jealous you know he doesn't like our nicknames."

Well Dreamie there is nothing about us having nicknames we're besties...

"You guys are weird let's go G..."

"Hey you are not taking my brother anywhere after all the things..."

"HEEY it's not my fault that they choose me to become one of them before him..."

"You don't have to say them around Punz he knows it."

"He knows what?"

"N- nothing Wil..."

"What are you hiding from me?"

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