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Welcome, in this spectrum of the universe there are many, many different worlds; some may be almost exactly alike with small differences or can be completely different. In this story this will take a step into mystery of a different world, the world of sorcery. In Pompeii, the town in the shadow of a volcano, no one had survived probably. Runes are an ancient art used by an elite race of humans called Rune Masters; some other names are sorceress, sorcerer, warlock, wizard, witch, but most prefer being called Rune Masters.

Runes are ancient stones of the runic alphabet that are use to perform magic or rituals; most use items made from a special kind of metal to activate, but each item is different and is only associated with their master or who they are alleged to, maybe a gauntlet, staff, bracelet, headband, helmet, or a shoe. Although, some Rune Masters can activate with their bare hands, a rare and soecial trait they're born with, but you can learn it through intense training.

Runes are divided into the categories of the four masteries of magic (or elements): fire, water, earth, and air. Let me not forget a rune mastery forged by men, the metal mastery. Those are the known ones, but legend tells us there are five more that only the greatest Rune Masters can use the legendary masteries of darkness, light, spirit, life, and death.

The types of runes are:
Summoning: for weapons, armour, and animals/beasts
Transformation: which is pretty self explanatory
Body: Using the element to morph with your body like covering your body in the element like stone or metal
Creation: which uses the element to create the object that the rune describes perhaps a cage or a giant blast shield.

Last but not least are the Help runes, which gives you access to stuff such as knowing what rune you touch without looking at it, or judging how long the runes magic will last until cool down. The downside is the rune can only be used once by the user, but if he/she passes it on, someone else can use it too.

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